Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Moon Power



First Quarter - 6:00 p.m.

Last Quarter - 6:00 a.m.

Full Moon - 6:00 p.m

New Moon - 6:00 a.m

Timing of Time in Healing – 1 day after minus 40 minutes, until next day, in the
third day minus 15 minutes.


The first phase symbolizes a young and vibrant Spring in which birth, growth and
beginning are emphasized. It is an excellent time to put seed on the ground, to
start new ventures or open a business. People born during the first week of the
lunar month are the Spring People – equipped with lively, innovative minds, free
spirits and love for new ideas and adventure. They are generally inventive and
outgoing but are also impulsive and restless by nature.


The second phase is identified with Summer, and it advocates both mental and
physical maturity since it ends at the peak of the lunar month. A prime time to
transplant seedlings * to fertilize the soil to promote lush growth. The Moon’s
continuing ascent favors aggressive and forceful action. Summer, or First
quarter, people will likewise be strong minded, as they are competent fighters
and capable doers. Full of potent energy, they are leaders of the cycle.


The third phase, commencing with the full moon, shows great affinity to Autumn,
or the Fall. A time to harvest ripened fruit and grain, mend broken fences, cut
wood for Winter, preserve food * consolidate one’s resources after the harvest.
The moon begins her descent after the fifteenth day. Autumn children will like
to organize, restore order, resolve problems and settle disputes with
intelligence and calm reason. Theirs is the phase of the harvestor and


During the fourth week of the lunar month, which is called the last quarter, the
lunar month is in its Winter, and this is generally the time to settle debts,
close a business or finish up the project. The waning moon is also conducive to
the slaughter of livestock, extraction of teeth, cutting of hair etc. It was
also believe that operations during this time will result in less bleeding.
Winter people, born between the twenty-second-and-a-half-day and the
twenty-ninth-and-a-half-day of the lunar month are the thinkers, keepers of
confidences and makers of objective, analytical decisions. They possess cool,
logical minds and are patient and preserving in their actions. Like potent roots
that lie asleep in the warm earth beneath a blanket of winter snow, they will
conserve their energy and burst forth with new life when the time is right.

Esoteric Astrology



You're a natural born leader, have strong perceptive faculties, very ambitious
and aspiring.

He who has persistence may read his answers in the stars and find the solution
to success. You are what you are because of the fact you are born at a time when
the Sun was traversing the sign of Aries. Know your sign, and you can make the
best of the characteristics, temperament, talents, virtues and faults with which
you are endowed.


You are practical and patient, but at times you can be stubborn as a bull when
you believe you're right.

You who have the persistence will be able to open the door that leads to an
understanding of your fate, past, present and future. Your physical and mental
characteristics are determined by the fact that when you were born, the Sun was
traversing the sign of Taurus. Knowledge of your sign will enable you to make
the best of your position in life.


You are very affectionate and generous, proud of birth and have a great deal of
family pride.

To him who has the mentality, it is given to solve the problem of our destiny.
The Sun was traversing the sign of Gemini when you were born, thus endowing you
with certain qualities and characteristic. A study of your sign will give you
the means to make the best of your talents and opportunities.


You are proud, independent, has superior intelligence, inclined to be artistic
and desirous of high position.

Those who have the vision to penetrate the veil which obscures our fate in life
will discover the secret of success. Your general characteristics are influenced
by the fact that the Sun was traversing the sign of Cancer when you were born.
Know your sign, and you will understand the reason and nature of your being.


You are conservative, generous and desire justice with all whom you have any

Virgo - August 24 - September 22 AN ANALYSIS OF THE ENIGMA OF THE PLANETS

You are tactful and courteous and adopt yourself to those with whom you come in

Libra - September 23 - October 23 THE WHYS AND WHEREFORES OF OUR DESTINY

You have keen intuition, splendid inspiration power and possesses good business


You are capable of making great attainments in whatever you may undertake.

Sagittarius - November 22 - December 22 THE ANSWER TO THE QUEST FOR GUIDANCE

You are a person of action rather than words and are apt to decide important
matters without giving them due consideration.

Capricorn - December 22 - January 20 A GUIDE FOR THE PURSUIT OF SUCCESS IN LIFE

You are generous, loyal and any promise made by you is held as sacred.

Aquarius - January 20 - February 19 THE RESPONSE TO THE TRUTH-SEEKER

You have a very strong character and great power of attainments.


You have a kind dispositions, are affectionate, and always ready to forgive an



Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Gemini, Libra, Aquarius


Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces



Sunday, January 18, 2009

Microvita the Answer

Microvita the Answer

Jan 19,2009 Monday Last night I have mentioned of 3 types of microvita . Later I can enumerate the kinds of negative as well as the positive type of microvita. Spiritualists and Scientists will get benefits alike from here, ONe will use his mental laboratory and the other the extreme engineering and physical laboratories.
Microvita is closer to Idea. And some MIcrovita can give you Spiritual knowledge like this one:

Saturday, February 16, 2008
His Majesty

What is His Majesty in the bible ? Jan 23, '08 12:41 PM
for everyone

day, January
23, 2008

Biblical His Majesty


The one and only congregation founded by the Supreme, in which it
could be traced from the Bible word for word, where in those seekers
of spiritual salvation, must enter for their blissfulness.

Isaiah 2:19

And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of
the earth, for fear of the LORD, and for the glory of HIS MAJESTY,
when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth.

This is the purest spiritual congregation materialized as prophesied
by Jesus and the prophets. That is no other than the real kingdom of
the Supreme Being founded on the latter days, in which will teach
mankind of the right and purest form of worship to the Supreme entity.
So that, those who enter with this shall gain divinity and spiritual

This will be the most unique among those existing religions and
organizations of recent time. Because, if the real Kingdom of God will
co-exist with these beliefs, it can definitely ruin those misleading
teachings and surely differs with presented ideas and teachings.

Here, you can find the truth and the real essence of teachings where
in He himself imparted to the mankind. Spiritual knowledge that comes
from the Supreme consciousness will also be brought out; you can also
decipher the mysterious four letter name of God which was embedded
from the ancient writings and to the human race. These four letter
name of the Supreme Father could be proved even in the Bible without
adding or removing anyone of the four letters in Tetragrammaton.
Because only those who are real devotees of spirituality are able to
understand this enigma and successfully transferred this to their
descendants from the very beginning of the world.

So, whoever joins the congregation of His Majesty had finally figured
out his/her quest for spiritual truth because he/she was enable to
know the real name of God with which is the key for pure enlightenment
and liberation, because of this he/she will be called as divine and
very fortunate and he/she will not be perished, for his/her spiritual
name was written in heaven. Through this, he/she can be able to
perform the real form of worship that truly belongs only for him/her.
From here, the devotee will be exalted from the material sphere to
spiritual level, joining the blissfulness of the Supreme
consciousness. Hence, enables the aspirant to grasp the glorious

From the great mercy of the Supreme Father, he guides us to dispel the
darkness that mantled until this very moment, from the heaven, he
establish his HIS MAJESTY. For the mankind to acquire his overflowing
grace anywhere and everywhere.

To prove that there was really God’s love and consistent grace, for us
to finally find the real path into the spiritual life,--the total
enlightenment and blissfulness with the Supreme Father. So let us all
braise ourselves for this once in a lifetime invitation of the King
Supreme God. By means of entering to the congregation; so that we
could feel his never-ending love. So, for further assessment and
in-depth query about the kingdom of God, this was founded in the
latter days and no other than HIS MAJESTY. It must be searched and
studied so that we would not regret this great chance to testify and
acquire the real truth that will not be perished forever.

In our next exposition, we will discuss and brought out a clear
understanding that this congregation was really the prophesied in the
Bible and other spiritual manuscript. From it’s time, name and place
of foundation, so, keep on abreast with the information’s as we go on
to our exposition of truth. Because the whistling of the 7th trumpet
is the signal that it is now—now is the time that the mysteries of God
should be unveiled and soon be materialized.


From the beginning… until now, the two sacred letter H and M doesn’t
change. It’s symbolize immortal foundation of the world and became the
mystic myth of the past.

In Egyptian alphabet, the meaning of H is hallel, “exaltedness” in
spirituality, for praising of God. The letter M is mem, “the water of
life.” H – is the exaltedness and gladness of the soul, (samadhi in
Sanskrit) the cakra or the DNA of science. M – is the waves of water,
the spirit that flow, which is our psychic waves that symbolizes
mysterious emanation. That’s why whose person who had letter M in
there name, either first name or surname has a tint of mystery his/her
esoteric side.

Tantra, the oldest philosophical science in the world, had a two
sacred mountain that symbolizes the feet of God, it mark the place
where he came down in the ancient times. One is called mount “H,”
which afterward named mount Everest. And the other is mount Meru, the
abode of Shiva, being know as mount Kailash.

You will see that the name of the two sacred cities of Thoth in Egypt,
Heliopolis (Greek; city of the sun) and Memphis, also begin in the
letter H and M.

Heliopolis – is the oldest organized religious centre in Egypt. A city
near the South end of the Delta of the Nile, the site of a temple to
the sun built by Amenophis I.

Memphis – “abode of the good,” an ancient Egyptian city located on the
western bank of the Nile in the central portion of the country.

In Edfu text; the mythical Heavenly Mansion of the First Time, which
is no other than the pyramid, specified as hwt-ntr, “the mansion of
the god,” the letter is HM.

This is the Church mentioned by Christ as the House of many Mansion.
Which is called the Holy Mountain of God in Ezekiel 20:40, the
heavenly Sion – his dwelling place.

Hor eM – (Hari oM in Sanskrit) the Horus-king in his earthly form at
Giza, standing between the paws of the great Sphinx, is the celestial
name of Thoth.

The Egyptian god Thoth, the founder and architect of the pyramid of
Giza, called by the Greeks, Hermes and Romans, Mercury, is also letter

Haroeris Min, the Egyptian moon god, which is another manifestation of
Thoth, his name begin also in HM.

In Egypt the heirogyphic symbol for Majesty is HM.

In Hebrew religion there are also two sacred mountain, that symbolize
the pillars of heaven. It is mount Horeb and the other is mount Moriah.

Horeb – “drought,” the mountain of God where Moses received his
commission. Exodus 3:1

Moriah – “ocean of the Lord,” also known as the Holy Mount of the
Lord. An elevation in Jerusalem on which Solomon built the temple. 2
Chronicles 3:1. where the Lord had appeared to David on the threshing
floor of Ornan the Jebusite. For the building an altar of God, that
the plague may be stayed. 1 Chronicles 21:18-22.

In Psalm 42:6; and 133:3, the sacred mountain of the Israelites Hermon,
and Mizhar was HM.

“As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the
mountains of Zion: for there the Lord commanded the blessing, even
life for evermore.”

Hermon – “beautiful,” sacred mountain, 9,000 ft. above sea level, has
three peaks, which is also called Sion. Deuteronomy 4:48.

Mizhar – means “small,” a small peak near Mt. Hermon.

The Bible address the Supreme One, as God Most High, again the two
letter HM appear.

The pillar of Odin one of the manifestation of Thoth, which he named
after his two companion dogs, Hugin and Munin.

Har Magedon – a place called in the Hebrew tongue the hill of Megiddo,
the meeting place of the kings in the millennium. A word found only in
Revelation 16:16, for the final battleground between the forces of
good and evil. Actually it signifies the true “Church,” where the
kings of God Almighty will gathered for his heavenly kingdom – the New

“Saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau; and
the kingdom shall be the Lord’s.”

Obadiah 1:21

The Hebrew word Hod, means Majesty. In Sanskrit Ham Mahatmya means His

The heavenly Henoch Michael, the father of Hebrew nation, his name
begin also in HM. Even his celestial name Metatron, also begin in
letter M.

At the Testament of Adam, it has been written that when the seven
angels built the first and last Church of God, he named it Milan.
Again we have the letter M here. Also the Massebah, the “sacred
pillar” of God in Exodos 24:4 begin in letter M.

The Holy Mansion which is the pyramid is named His Majesty from the
beginning. All beginning from letter HM. In Isaiah 2:19, it is written
that the name of the true kingdom that will be founded in the last
days, is His Majesty. (HM) The account of prophet Micah 5:4 became
more specific about the true name of the spiritual Church that will be
great unto the ends of the earth. Which is Philippines, that located
in the ends of the earth.

“In the last days, the Temple of God shall be established, all nations
shall gather to it, the Millennial era will commence, and the Lord
will reign.”


Mystic – a Latin term from Greek, mystikos, means “one initiated.” A
mystic is who search direct spiritual truth through divine
illumination which he intuitively comprehends chiefly upon meditation.

He believe that through exaltating the mind, man may attain to an
immediate consciousness or knowledge of God, as the real and absolute
principle of all truth.

Being a mystic Jesus Christ who have a direct contact with God, teach
directly to worship and glorify the Supreme Consciousness, by saying:
“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be thy name.” He doesn’t said that we
worship Him with the intervention of angels, saints, prophets, mediums
or spirits.

Mystism is a distinct field of philosophy. It is the science by which
spiritual aspirants can acquire self-knowledge and self-mastery in
their quest for self-realization. Knowledge of Mystism is an essential
aspect of spiritual practices, and without this knowledge aspirant
will not be successful in their spiritual pursuits.

Support His Majesty, And be Blessed!


This energy called kundalini, which means coiled serpentine, because
it is coiled like a sleeping snake. As this kundalinii rises; it
pierces one by one the seven cakras or energy centers located along
the spinal column. These cakras have been described as “nerve plexes,”
and they seen to be related to the endocrine system. But they are far
subtler than the physical glands or nerves. They are the focal points,
the psychic centers of the subtle energies which flow throughout the
body. Cosmic energy, or prana, cycles throughout the human body by
means of subtle nerve channels or nadis which make up a vast,
intricate networth paralleling the physical nervous system, but
different from it. These nadis were long ago recognized by Chinese
physiologists, who developed the science of acupuncture to redirect
imbalanced energy flows in them, there-by during diseases.

Two of the principle nadis are the ida, the negatively charged,
“lunar” current, and the pingala, the positively charge “solar”
current, which begin at the base of the spinal column and criss-cross
the spine and end in the left and right nostril, respectively. In the
center of the spinal column is the shushumna, a hollow canal in which
the kundalini rises. The points where they cross the spinal column in
their zigzag rout up the body are the locations of the five cakras.
The lowest cakra, Muladhara, is the energy center connected with
impulses of survival and self-preservation; the second, Svadhistana,
with sexuality; the third, Manipura, at the navel with power, ego
control and mastery; the fourth, Anahata, at the heart, with
compassion love. When; the body’s energies are localized at this
point, a unitive state of consciousness is experienced, a feeling of
oneness with all creation. As the kundalini crosses the throat cakra,
Vishuddha, still more subtle plane of consciousness is experienced;
when it reaches the “third eye” of wisdom or enlightenment, Ajina
cakra, the sadhaka (real spiritual) enjoys a sublime, omniscient
state, and can “see” past, present, and future with his inner eye of
wisdom. As the kundalini rises, the sadhaka experiences more and more
profound states of samadhi (blissful ecstasy) until finally it reaches
the highest point, the Sahasrara cakra, the thousand petaled lotus.
This highest energy center in the human body represents Shiva, the
microcosmic pure Consciousness in the individual. When the cosmic
energy of the Kundalini rises and unites with the highest spiritual
center, the center of pure consciousness within the human structure;
the goal of tanra is achieved; the ultimate union of Shiva and Shakti,
of man with God.

The spiritual journey is essentially the journey of the kundalinii,
transmuting energy from lower centers to the higher ones… the opening
of the Shushumna and the progress release and channeling of powerful
dormant energies in the human body. The Yogi is one who has found the
central axis of his or her being, who has opened the Shushumna and
released and channeled these energies. The yogi has united the
extremes of his natures, the deepest and highest; he has achieved the
union of the polar opposites of the universe within his own form.

Many spiritual and religious traditions throughout the ages have known
this science of the kundalini and its ascent: the Chinese alchemists
and Taoists and Hebrew mystics. Some believe that the “seven churches”
and the “mystery of the seven stars” referred to by John in the
Revelations represent the seven cakras, and the tree of life of the
garden of Eden may be represent the spinal column with its many subtle
branches – and the snake of knowledge, the kundalini. A great medieval
Christian mystic, Jacob Boeheme, described his own experience: “For
the Holy Ghost will not be held in the sinful flesh, but rises up like
a lightning flash, as fire sparkles and flashes out of a stone when a
man strikes it. The Holy Spirit rises up, in the 7 unfolding fountain
spirits, into the brain, like the dawning of the day, the morning
redness… through an angel from heaven should tell this to me, for all
that I could not believe it… But the Sun itself arises in my spirit,
and there fore, I am most sure of it.”

A modern Indian saint, Ramakrsna, described his ecstatic experience.
Sometimes when I lie down on my side, I feel the spiritual current
pushing pushing me like a monkey and playing with me joyfully. I
remain still. That current, like a monkey, suddenly with one jump
reaches the Sahasrara. That is why you see me jump up with a start. A
man’s spiritual consciousness is not awakened unless his kundalini is
aroused. To talk of knowledge from mere study and hearsay! What will
that accomplish? (Once I saw a vision of secret experience. I saw a
boy exactly resembling me enter the Shushumna nerve and commune with
the lotuses… He began with the center at the base of the spine and
passed through the centers of the sexual organs, navel and so on. The
different lotuses of those centers had been drooping. At his touch
they stood erect. Then he came into the lotus in the throat and the
lotus in the head blossomed. Since that I have been in this state.”



“When the disciple is ready, the Master appears.”

Spiritual initiation is so important because this is the key for
everyone to transcend him/her to the past, present, future existence.

By this process, a initiated person, is automatically manifested by a
golden aura connected to the Creator of the universes. In the future
life, what ever state will become of his existence, it will always be
connected to Him. To enter in the realm of Sadhana, (meditation) is
one of the most important steps in the life of a spiritual aspirant.
At the time of initiation, the aspirant become “born again” to begin
his/her journey to the spiritual path. Meditation technique is
introduced to awakened the latent spiritual potential of a person.
This event is the first step on the ladder of realization.

Initiation happen normally when a person, no longer satisfied with the
“normal” state of ignorance, develops an intense desire to realize the
truth of existence. The guru, to help the person in his or her search,
comes to give proper guidance and direction. Initiation is the
beginning, the aspirant is shown the way, but the path has to be
trodden by oneself.




HM - 111905

What is Reincarnation?

Reincarnation – from Latin, re-again, in-in, caro-flesh. It means
rebirth (of the soul) in another body, which the soul reappears after
death in another different bodily form, which may be human or animal.
Usually it is an intangible “soul” that is believed to be reborn in
another body.

“Life did not begin at the time when we are born, nor at the time of
conception, but from the timeless moment with God.”

“Because God is Life eternal, and the soul within us is a part of
Eternity - Life is infinity.”

In the beginning of Creation, God implanted with-in the universe the
“spiritual spark,” called “purusas.” Purusas – which is the “cosmic
essence that emanates from the mind of God, who have samskaras
(desires) to exist, transform to paramatman, (cosmic soul) creates an
impression of restlessness to move infinitely in the universe, and
influence the vibration of the operative atomic structure called
paramanus, to form, mold and to exist in a different stages of life.

The impression of the paramatman, (soul) to exist, became the vehicle
for himself to obtain a human form. By the grace of Parama Purush,
this made himself transform from etheric, translucent, to matter, then
to a human form. Until then, attained the spiritual form.

Hindu and Buddhist religion and philosophy, rebirth of the soul in one
or more successive existences, which may be human, animal, or, in some
instances, vegetable.

The major religions that hold a belief in reincarnation, however, are
the Asian religions, especially Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and
Sikhism, all of which arose in India. They all hold in common a
doctrine of karma ("act"), the law of cause and effect, which states
that what one does in this present life will have its effect in the
next life.

In Hinduism the process of birth and rebirth--i.e., transmigration of
souls--is endless until one achieves moksha, or spiritual salvation,
by realizing the truth that liberates--i.e., that the individual soul
(atman) and the absolute soul (Brahman) are one. Thus, one can escape
from the wheel of birth and rebirth (samsara).Jainism, reflecting a
belief in an absolute soul, holds that karma is affected in its
density by the deeds that a person does. Thus, the burden of the old
karma is added to the new karma that is acquired during the next
existence until the soul frees itself by religious disciplines,
especially by ahimsa ("nonviolence"), and rises to the place of
liberated souls at the top of the universe. Although Buddhism denies
the existence of an unchanging, substantial soul, it holds to a belief
in the transmigration of the karma of souls. A complex of
psycho-physical elements and states changing from moment to moment,
the soul, with its five skandhas ("groups of elements")--i.e., body,
sensations, perceptions, impulses, and consciousness--ceases to exist;
but the karma of the deceased survives and becomes a vijñana ("germ of
consciousness") in the womb of a mother. This vijñana is that aspect
of the soul reincarnated in a new individual. By gaining a state of
complete passiveness through discipline and meditation, one can leave
the wheel of birth and rebirth and achieve nirvana, the state of the
extinction of desires. Sikhism teaches a doctrine of reincarnation
based on the Hindu view but in addition holds that, after the Last
Judgment, souls--which have been reincarnated in several
existences--will be absorbed in God.

While belief in reincarnation is most characteristic of Asian
religions and philosophies, it also appears in the religious and
philosophical thought of primitive religions, in some ancient Middle
Eastern religions (e.g., the Greek Orphic mystery, or salvation,
religion), Manichaeism, and Gnosticism, as well as in such modern
religious movements as theosophy. In primitive religions, belief in
multiple souls is common. The soul is frequently viewed as capable of
leaving the body through the mouth or nostrils and of being reborn,
for example, as a bird, butterfly, or insect. The Venda of southern
Africa believe that, when a person dies, the soul stays near the grave
for a short time and then seeks a new resting place or another
body--human, mammalian, or reptilian. Among the ancient Greeks,
Orphism held that a preexistent soul survives bodily death and is
later reincarnated in a human or other mammalian body, eventually
receiving release from the cycle of birth and death and regaining its
former pure state. Plato, in the 5th-4th century BC, believed in an
immortal soul that participates in frequent incarnations.

The Mystic view of reincarnation, more correctly Transmigration, is
quite different to religious doctrine of Hinduism, Buddhism, and
Sikhism. According to the belief of Hindus and Buddhist, reincarnation
is the result of Karmic mistake being done in their pastlives. The
question is, how could a person reincarnate if it is his first life on
Earth? This is the one of so many questions about real transmigration,
that the master will reveal.

Q. If reincarnation was real, why we can't remember it?

A. Man's genetic code during the time he was developed as an embryo is
very crucial because, he inherited the 50% 0f each parent's gene. So,
we can conclude that a newly born child who has a new body will be
100% the same as its past existence. Even his cells which are capable
of transferring informations of his past experiences was changed to a
new one, and that is the reason why a person could not remember his
past existence.

But, even we are equipped with the 50% gene that comes from each of
our parents. Clearly, we could not remember those habits and attitudes
of them. Although there are times that these attitudes and other
genetic defects manifest naturally, Perhaps we recognize it because we
accumulate our parents' gene. It was the same as what happened to our
soul which was recorded in the akashic, we couldn't remember it
because of the fact that we are now 100% new. Our pastlife could be
remembered only in proper time through the help of our extra cerebral

Q. What is Extra Cerebral Memory? (ECM)

A. There is a second type of memory which does not depend on our brain
cells. This is called extra-cerebral, “beyond the brain.” This governs
the memory of past lives, the memory of a time when the mind and soul
lived in other bodies with other brains. Often little children are
able to preserve this memory up to about the age of five years.

This extra-cerebral memory begins to fade after five years. The more
one advances in age, the more the new environment leaves its
impressions in the child’s mind. The more a child sees new things
before its eyes, the more restless it becomes to know each and every
object of this world. Hence, the child asks a multitude of questions –
it seems there is no end to its inquisitiveness. The more it receives
the answers to its questions, the more its mind gets acquainted with
the mundane world. The experiences of the crude mind then begin and
get reflected in the dream state. As a result, the vibrations of the
causal mind cannot come to the surface any more. Hence, the more the
child advances in age, the more it forgets its past life.

Q. How do we remember past life?

When a soul enters a new body, everything in the storehouse of memory
is blank. No memory of past life information are recorded to one’s
cells? Then, why some remember their past life?

Re – a prefix meaning “again or anew.” In Tagalog “muli sa laman.”

“For what your heart cherish is, there will your soul be also.”

Knowing the law of reincarnation, attain self realization.

HM~Sutra 112305

Q. Why past life reflect to the present life?

A. It is the cause of unexpressed samskaras of the past, which
continuous up to the present. For its final expression, then start
anew in ascending or descending Heaven. This is 12 in category.

1. Love

Affection, Attachment to love, Unfulfilled love.

2. Wealth

Craving for wealth, money, lands, and belongings.

3. Power

Domination, Dictatorial, Kingship, Rulership.

4. Fame

Actor, Actress, Name, Honor.

5. Life

Attachment to live, to place of birth, Fear of death, Promises.

6. Pagans

Paganism, Liwaliw sa buhay, Unfaith – walang pananalig.

7. Nemesim

Vengeance, War, Murder, Abuse (rape, maltreated)

8 Tragedy

Nature, Accidents, Suicide.

9. Omen

Curse, Jinx, Sorcery, Withcraft.

10. Fanatism

Religion, Belief, Atheist -walang Dios, Skeptic.

11. Arahant

Enlightened – Devayoniis.

12. Avataras

Liberated, Spiritual Mission, Deva.

1. Love – Those people with unfulfilled love during their past lives
will have a continuation on their present lives. They will search for
their perfect love.

There is no doubt that his pastlife is a continuation of its recent
existence, for him to express what he failed to do so in his pastlife.
On his present struggle, he will start a new life, but the past
memories are clearly be seen and he will continuously utter.

2. Wealth – People with strong desire to accumulate properties, land
grabbers, and those who are attached to his material things will
surely return or have a chance of rebirth. So that he can have a
chance to pay for his misled past. These kinds of people, the more he
became materialistic, the smaller his soul to become and he should be
destined to the lower level of heavens. More frequently we can
encounter a person who claimed that he is a wealthy one in his

3. Power – Those people who aimed for power to gain honor and
dominate, with good or bad intentions are likely to return to animate

4. Fame – Even those people who aspired of being famous in whatever
field will surely be return to life for them to correct all his deeds.

5. Life – There are some people who had strong desire to be immortal
because of fear of death and attachment to property. Others want to
return back to their native land, with this, they will return to earth
with uneasiness and in due time, they will undergo the process of

6. Pagans – here, the word pagans does not necessarily mean they do
not have God as the ancient history goes. Instead, it refers to the
absence and nothing to worry of God. Just like recent times, because
of unfortunate events and materialism, people tend to be less
spiritually oriented. Pleasures in life are so rampant, they only
focus with self-interests and disinterested with the welfare of

7. Nemesim – These are the people with a destructive instincts
specially when they got angry, they are called Pretayoniis.

8 Tragedy – Those who passed by under tragedy also called as

9. Omen – never ending loneliness.

10. Fanatism – died in vain. Failure in life.

11. Arahant – these are the holy people who enjoyed the God’s gift to
them. There are seven kinds of Arahant based on the God’s gift with

Arahants who lived without The God’s manifestation will become
devayoniis, they arte destined to be present on earth and capable of
helping people. If over 7,000 years of being Devayoniis and they
couldn’t find a medium to be able to enter into the abode of God, they
will undergo the process of rebirth just to express this final desire.

12. Avataras - Liberated, Simple, no desires in life. To liberate in
samsar. Because of the spiritual mission they return again into life
to help God in spiritual mission to humanity. They lived simple, in
the reason that they are spiritually liberated, they are not concerned
whatever status in life they have. Avataras are not affected by the
chain of karma in life. Others lived only for two years of age, for
their final samskara then died for them not to return again in this

Samsar – the chain of birth and death in the ocean of pain and

7 Heavens or Dimensions:

7. Satya Loka


12,000 yrs.

6. Tapah Loka



5. Jana Loka



4. Maha Loka



3. Svah Loka



2. Bhuvah Loka

Ascending Order (+)


2,000 yrs.

1. Bhu Loka

Earth-neutral order.

Twilight realm

1,000 yrs. to the present.

2. Tala Loka

Descending Order (-)


2,000 yrs.

3. Atala Loka


3,000 yrs.

4. Tala'tala Loka


4,000 yrs.

5. Pata'la Loka


5,000 yrs.

6. Atipata'la Loka


6,000 yrs.

7. Rasa'tala Loka


7,000 yrs.

Limbo or

Borderland – a vague state or place, which is the boundary of living
and death.

Twilight loka - (Gala) an astral realm, bordering Earth, going to
ascending order or descending order of Heaven.

Wilderness – (Layap) emptyness, uninhabited region.

Mistiness – (Karimlan) blurred region like mist.

Muzziness – (Kawalan) state of mental confusion.

Oblivion – (Paikot-ikot) state of forgetfulness.

Nebulous – (Walang taning) indefinite vague state.

Chaos – ( Saligutgot) formless matter and infinite space. A very great

Paghihirap at kalungkutan.

7 Lokas (Planets) of the Spiritual Sky:

Where mantras of the ancient derived.

7. Brahma Loka - Saturn

6. Deva Loka - Mercury

5. Indra Loka - Jupiter

4. Kama Loka - Venus

3. Surya Loka - Sun

2. Chandra Loka - Moon

1. Pitr Loka - Mars

*Jiva Loka - Earth

Spiritual name


The spiritual name given at the time of initiation is so important,
that is the only one being recorded in the book of life (akashic
record) Rev. 20:27 the bible says the no corrupt things could ever
enter in heaven even our material name which is corrupt, therefore
could not be recorded at the akashic.

And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books
were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life:
and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the
books, according to their works.

And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into
the lake of fire.

Revelation 20:12, 20:15

Every time we use our spiritual name, more and more, the subtle organs
functions, creating a harmonious effect to the body and soul that
builds an intuitive awareness to ones existence. But more we attach to
our material name it is the more dysfunction happen to our system.
This spiritual name act as a toner to balance this dysfunction.

And ye shall leave your name for a curse unto my chosen: for the Lord
GOD shall slay thee, and call his servants by another name:

That he who blesseth himself in the earth shall bless himself in the
God of truth; and he that sweareth in the earth shall swear by the God
of truth; because the former troubles are forgotten, and because they
are hid from mine eyes.

Isaiah 65:15-16



What is TANTRA?

The root word tan means “to expand,” and tra means “liberator.” The
science that liberates you from all bondages, physical, mental and
spiritual, is Tantra.

The process of transforming latent divinity into Supreme Divinity is
known as TANTRA SADHANA. It is the spiritual practice for expansion,
and this expansion is nothing but liberation from bondage of
crudeness. Irrespective of caste, creed or religion, he who aspires
for spiritual expansion and bows something concrete toward that goal
is a TANTRIKA. Wherever there is any spiritual practice, it should be
taken for granted that it has evolved from TANTRIK practice. Where
there is no spiritual practice, where people pray to God for the
fulfillment of narrow worldly interests, where there is only "give us
this!" and "give us that," there TANTRA is absent.

TANTRA in itself is neither a religion nor an "ism." TANTRA is the
fundamental spiritual science. It is the process of shattering the
bondage of all mental weaknesses, conquering those weaknesses and
mental enemies, of establishing oneself above the pull of each and
every instinct, of transforming animality into divinity.

The main characteristic of TANTRA is that it represents mainly vigor,
It represents a pact less fight. Where there is no fight there is no
SADHANA: Under such circumstances TANTRA cannot be there, where there
is no SADHANA, -- no fight.


Deep in the Himalayan mountain, where no sound disturbs the silence of
the soul,

The only vibrations which mar the mind’s perfect peace are the singing
of the wind and the falling of snow…

In this silent realm, many thousand of years ago, there lived
extraordinary individuals drawn there by the absolute stillness of the

Individuals who learned to still their senses and elevate their minds
through long meditations.

Individuals who lifted their own consciousness above the sensation of
cold and hunger and pleasure and pain.

These tantriks, with their powerful, concentrated minds, explored
their bodies, their minds, and beyond their minds…

Explored the universe, and realized the forces which control this vast
universe and human consciousness itself. They learned to control and
transcend these forces…

The science which these ancient yogis evolved through long,
introspective meditation, the product of thousands of years of inner
research, was called TANTRA, which means the science of expansion.
About 7000 years ago, the greatest of these ancient yogis lived:
Shiva, the Father of Tantra. It was Shiva who organized the various
practices of Tantra into a clear system, a practical science.

High among the Himalayas, on the still, cold heights, sat Shiva
absorbed in meditation. When the moon shone over the mountain tops,
above the brow of Shiva, it appeared as if the light shone through,
instead of all around Him. For He was full of radiance, and could cast
no shadow. With each breath of His, outward and in, worlds, it is
said, were created and destroyed. Although he had influence over many,
he did not appear rich or powerful: his skin was always covered with
white wood-ashes: the symbol of renunciation, of realization of the
transitoriness of life. His clothing was simple: the saffron cloth of
the yogi, of a tiger skin. coils of matted hair were piled high on the
top of his head. It is said that for all his powers, he had nothing of
his own: There was nothing – kingship, nor wealth, nor power, that
could for one moment tempt him. One desire and one desire alone, had
He – to destroy the ignorance of souls, and let light come.

Many symbols are associated with his ancient image: the trident or
Trishula represents the courageous attitude which the spiritual
aspirant must have in order to wage war against his negative
tendencies. A serpent is always coiled about his neck – the symbol of
the kulakundalini, the powerful energy at the base of the spinal
column, which we will talk more about later. Sometimes, he is shown
holding a begging bowl, symbol of his renunciation, and a tiny drum,
the damaru, symbol of the sound of creation. For Shiva was an
extraordinary personality, with many talents. He was not only the
spiritual preceptor, teaching his disciples meditation and related
practices such as breath control (Pranayama), physical postures
(Asanas), etc., but he was also deeply versed in the science of
medicine. He taught the people of that time many secrets of health
preservation; He was a great musician who formulated a science of
music and rhythm or tala. He showed how the vibrations of sound could
affect the functioning of the glandular system and produce different
mental states. He was a super dancer who systematized many different
rhythmic postures and explained their effects on the body and the mind
– often he was called Nataraja or King of Dance, which I explain later

For an unbroken line of several thousand years, Shiva has been
honoured in India by virtually every race and caste. He is also the
“essence” of all great religions in the world, that I will reveal in
other book. He is considered to be a god in the Hindu pantheon of
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. The universal science he developed
transcends all time and cultures, and Shiva himself remains a symbol
of the evolution and perfection of human consciousness for all races,
all castes of people.

What is this Tantra that Shiva systematized? Tantra is, above all, a
practical discipline. Shiva was an experimenter a practical scientist,
not a theoretician. “Not knowing the truth within oneself, he said,
the deluded one gets lost in treatises.” So as in all spiritual
traditions, in the beginning the practices of Tantra were never
written down. They were passed down orally from guru to disciple. The
ancient teachers knew that knowledge is power; that spiritual
practices in the hands of immoral or power-seeking individuals could
be very dangerous. So disciples never learned Tantra by poring over
ancient texts: they proved themselves worthy and learned from a
master. But gradually, after several thousand years, the caliber of
masters degenerated and it was felt necessary to write the ancient
secrets down, so they would not be completely lost. But when they were
written, in a “twilight language,” called Sandhya Bhasa, in allegory,
symbolism, code, lest they be misinterpreted and misused by unworthy
seekers. For this reason, if we do not have a proper guide, the
ancient texts may be confusing or even misleading of what is happening

In its purest form Tantra is at the root of all religions and
spiritual disciplines. Tantra is the pure base of Hinduism; the Buddha
taught Tantra to his closest disciples; that’s why you will see that
even the last master of Shaolin, worship Shiva not Buddha, as his
Supreme God, in the cave of Shaolin Temple in China. The hidden
teachings of Taoism, as presented by Lao-tze are Tantra. The western
science of Alchemy, and the Caballa, the mystical tradition of
Judaism, are very close to Tantra, as well as Sufism, the esoteric
tradition of Islam. Christ and many later Christian saint taught and
performed esoteric practices which were essentially tantrik
techniques. “Spiritual practice means practice for expansion, and this
expansion is nothing but a liberation from the bondage of all sorts of
dullness. Irrespective of caste, creed or religion, he who aspires for
spiritual expansion or does something concrete is a Tantrika. Tantra
in itself is not a religion – it is the fundamental spiritual science,
and it can be practiced by all people.” (Baba)

The basic idea underlying the practices of Tantra is that God and the
universe, and God and mankind, are essentially ne. in Tantra God is
considered to have two aspects: one of pure consciousness, represented
by the male Shiva, and one of pure energy, represented by the female
Shakti. Shakti is the creative power of God, she operates the laws of
nature; she manages the universe and all the worlds. In images she is
often represented as dancing on the body of Shiva, for in the infinite
body of pure unqualified consciousness Shakti plays, transforming that
pure Consciousness into cruder vibrations, that creation may come into
existence. Shakti is the Divine Mother, Mother Nature, giving birth to
all creation; but unlike her counterpart, the Virgin Mary, she also
embodies the other half of reality, the destructive aspect, the death
which awaits all creatures. So she is clad with the symbols of
destruction as well as of life: sometimes she is pictured wearing a
garland of skulls; sometimes she carries the sword that cuts through
error and ignorance, while in her other hand she may carry the bowl
that symbolizes the sustaining energy of Mother Nature.

Thus God and His creative aspect are as one and inseparable, like two
sides of a piece of paper, like milk and its whiteness, like fire and
its heat. Throughout the ages, Shiva and Shakti have been pictured as
both in one body., as a divine hermaphrodite… this idea is expressed
in ancient alchemical symbols as well, where the king and queen are
one. Another common representation of this is the union of Radha and
Krshna. And, when they are not united in one body, they are locked in
eternal embrace… This polarity of Shiva and Shakti, God and His
creative powers, God and His creation, expresses the essential
polarity of the universe: positive and negative, male and female, good
and evil, sun and moon. The transcendence of this polarity, the
realization of the oneness of God, is the highest experience of human
being can attain. In one very famous relief of Brahma, he is portrayed
with 3 overpoweringly huge faces. One, facing right, is masculine,
virile, dynamic, with twirling mustache; the second, facing left, is
feminine, softly rounded, with full lips, and the third and central
face has eyes closed, absorbed in the meditative process of fusing and
merging the two opposing aspects… it is still, yet charged with
tremendous power… immovable, yet all-encompassing. It is this neutral,
transcendent consciousness wich entered into the male or female polar
aspect but does not become involved; it is their source and support,
but does not act in the drama. Thus for the Tantrika, God and the
world are not different and separate. Nirvana—absolute liberation—and
samsara, the ocean of vibratory existence—are intrinsically one. Other
systems, especially orthodox Hinduism, have maintained that this world
is illusion, and a dangerous trap. They have preached that human
beings must shun this false and painful creation, must renounce the
world and its lures and retire to the forest, or mortify the flesh to
overcome the cravings of the senses, to attain the final goal of
transcendence of existence. Modern tantrikas says that the miseries of
contemporary India were caused by this world-hatred which traditional
Vedanta Philosophers instilled into the majority of the Indian

Tantra rejects this attitude. Anyone who seeks a salvation not in this
world is still dealing with dualities—is still traped. The essence of
Tantra is joyous affirmation of experience. Tantra proclaims, “there
is nothing whatever that is not divine” and that “to know all as
illusion, is ignorance; to know all as God is knowledge.” To those who
know the Self, the Divine is indeed everywhere. The tantrika does not
bemoan the transitoriness of the world; To him, change itself reveals
the spirit that inspires all the changing forms. This universe is not
an illusion, it is the material and the arena for spiritual effort.
Perceived rightly, it reveals, and not veils God.

Thus Tantra does not preach fearful avoidance of the world and its
charms; it teaches us to love this creation as the manifestation of
God. Shrii Shrii Anandamurti says, “The best path is that based on
love” The spiritual journey of a Tantrika is not a running away, but a
joyous running towards, a joyous embracing of the God in all things.

“For him who is founded in the sole consciousness of the SELF, every
moment is worship, each utterance is verily a mantra, each gaze is

“Whose who decided to remain in the World, out of compassion for

rather than seeking his own liberation, is the ideal Tantric.”

In this way the idea of the Bodhisatttva developed: the one who
realizes the oneness of God and the world and who has decided to
remain in the world, out of compassion for others, rather than seeking
his own liberation from the cycle of birth and death. The ideal of
tantra is to recognize difference between liberation and life in this
world: the things of the world are accepted not out of desire but for
the good of the world; showering grace upon all, the tantrika sports
on the earth.

Thus the wise Tantrika seeks his or her liberation in the world, not
from it; not in death but in life. His spiritual efforts is one
action, not withdraw. He elevates himself by using nature, not by
rejecting it.

The Tantrika learns to utilize the force of nature because it is the
awesome power of Shakti, the creation, that controls this universe –
the force that wheels the stars on their vast circuits and propels the
comets, the force behind fiery volcanoes and the crashing of falling
water, behind thunder and lightning. This tremendous energy of the
universe is not merely outside us but inside us as well, coiled in
potential form at the base of the spine. In the human body, the force
of creation lies dormant, latent, waiting to be aroused and channeld.
Thus the tantrik scriptures say, “All the Gods dwell in the body.” All
spiritual practice, of whatever variety, consists in arousing this
latent energy, called kulakundalinii, from its potential state and
elevating it up the spinal column. This experience is not peculiar to
Tantra – it is the experience of all spiritual aspirants as they
expand their consciousness. Every genuine spiritual experience – the
visitation of the Lord or angels, flashes of light, hearing the subtle
sounds of divine music, ecstasy, union with God. Trance – all are
manifestations of the ascent of this spiritual energy.


Our available Services:

Tantric feng-shui, Tantric Acupuncture (using golden and silver
needle), Compatibility Analysis, Auric Healing Online, Vital Therapy,
Numerological Analysis, Soulmate Reading, Pastlife Reading, Herbal
Healing, Treasure Sign Interpretation and others.

Seminars on:

Astral Projection

Esoteric Martial Arts


Health and Healing

Human Aura and Thought Forms



The complete history and origin of Numerology

The complete history and origin of Tarot Card

Third Eye


Contact us via email or contact 09192729863 if there's any question
regarding our services.

Martial Arts and other arts

Judo - under instructor Mr. N.

Mysticsm – under astral master Mahesh Shiva.

Cartomancy, Psychism.

Karate – Shorin Ryu, Iron Finger; Black belter - under instructor EM

Quaballah, Numerology, Chiromancy, Alchemy.

Psychic Healing, Mystic Meditation.

Juhappan – Karate, Black belt 1st Dan.

Nunchaku – (Chinese, Japanese)

Chinese Naginata.


Mantra Healing

Astrology (Exoteric – Esoteric)


Ninjutshu (Iga Ninja)

Sillum Gung Fu

Mantra Yoga (by astral master Baba Anandamurti)

Vital Theraphy, Vital Points.

Doo Iin (Bicol Healing)

Shao Lin Zhi Gung Pan Kui

Tantra Yoga, under astral Lord Master Iishvara.

Esoteric Cosmology

Cosmic Healing.

Tarot – Majesty 108 cards.



Kali (Indian arnis)

Chinese Wushu, Tai Chi sword, Katana.

Raja Yoga

Occult Healing

Baton Maharlika

Japanese Kobudo

Ananda Marga Yoga –

Japanese Yawara

Kalaripayat (Indian Martial Arts)

Ringha (Tibetan Martial Arts)

Plasmic Healing


Pranic Power

Trivinii Healing, Cosmic, Healing, Auric Healing, Astral
Healing, Pranic Healing, Microvita Healing, Divine Healing, Magnetic
Healing, Magnet Healing, Vital Therapy, Doo iin, Shiat Shu,
Acupressure, Acupuncture (using golden and silver needles), Herbal

Meditation, tarot, lucky and danger days, zodiacs, diet more in nutshell

Criticism: See Satyam Namah .

Chakras – fourth dimensional manifestation of DNA and RNA, could be found
located at the halo part of the central nervous system.


Muladhara-4 petals, perineum-

Life circle (1 ft.)

Svadhistana-6 petals, genitalia, Coccygeal plexus-Health circle (2 ft.)

Manipura-10 petals, navel, celiac plexus-Shelter circle (3.ft.)

Anahata--12 petals, heart, cardiac plexus-

Love circle (4 ft.)

Vishuddha-16 petals, throat, cervical (laryngeal) plexus-

Psychic circle (5 ft.)

Ajna -2 petals, glabella cerebellum -Occult power (6 ft.)

Sahasrara-2 petals, glabella cerebellum -Cosmic circle (7 ft.)


Sushumna (Central Nadiis) - begin in the back central portion of the head and
down the right side of the spinal column and terminates in the top of the spine.
DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) the nucleic acid primarily found in the nucleus of
the cells, it contains – Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, Thymine, Deoxyribose, and
Phosphoric Acid.
RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) nucleic acid containing the Sugar Ribose; present in both
nucleus and cytoplasm and of prime importance in the synthesis of proteins.
ATP – The vital link of life (ADENOSINE TRYPHOSPHATE)
The ATP molecules store’s the sun energy in a chemical bond. The energy stays
locked up until it is released when the bond breaks.
Without ATP, living things would freeze in their tracks deprived of the all –
important link that holds together the chain of life.
Left Nostril – controller of white corpuscles.
Right Nostril – controller of red corpuscles.
PRANA (chi)
Our health, or the amount of sickness we have depends in a very great measure
upon the amount of prana or life force in our body.
We need to have certain amount of prana above and beyond the balance between
life and death, to have good or perfect health.
The reservoir of prana in your body is found in or relative to the solar plexus
which is found just below the heart, under the breast bone and just between the
“V” of the ribs.
The control of the prana or chi is absolutely essential to perfect health and
long life. It is the rejuvenator and revitalizer which form the actual elixir of
If life force is strong within the body it will prevent the appearance of
disease, or will vanish disease if present, because it will so activate the
Vanyana, Vayu and Rasa that they will cause every gland and organ to work in an
absolutely normal manner: they will cause the blood stream to circulate more
freely and will a rich full power of disintegration of harmful germs.
The PRANA flows in, in a five minute cycle; or rather four minute cycle; one
half minute being allowed at either end as leeway. Prana is more essential than
the food you eat.
Prana – Energy (unit force) human strength.
Pranah – life force or vital force.
Chinese – chi or qi.
Japanese – ki.
Greek - pneuma.
English – breath.
Egyptian – ka.
Tagalog – espiritu santo.
Symbolized by three Polarity
Positive – sun (right hand); red (red orange) – life
Negative – moon (left hand); green – death
Neutral – earth (pray hand, or Namaskar Gesture) silvery white – preservation
Location of prana – pranindria (near Anahata Chakra)
Element of prana: Aerial + Luminous + Etheric = PRANA
Is it natural for humans to eat meat? Human digestive system, tooth and jaw
structure, natural instincts, and bodily functions are absolutely distinct from
that carnivorous animals. Carnivorous animals share many unique characteristics
which set them apart from all members of the animal kingdom: very short vowels -
3 times the length of the body - for rapid expulsion of putrefactive bacteria
from decomposing flesh; stomachs with ten times as much hydrochloric acid as
non-carnivorous animals, to digest fibrous tissue and bones; exclusively
up-and-down motion of jaws; sharply pointed, elongated canines; lack of molar
A human is clearly not a carnivore by nature - his ANATOMY and DIGESTIVE SYSTEM
show that he must have evolved for millions of years living on fruits, nuts,
grains, and vegetables. As in case of the anthropoid ape, man's bowel are 12
times the length of his body, being designed for the slow digestion of
vegetables and fruits, which are noted for slow decay.
Are there dangers in EATING MEAT? POISONING - Just before and during the agony
of the slaughtered, the biochemistry of the terrified animal undergoes profound
changes as it futilely struggles for life. TOXIC by-products and large
quantities of ADRENALIN are forced throughout the body, thus pain-poisoning
entire carcass. According to ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, body poisons, including
"'...protein obtained from nuts, pulses (lentils, peas etc.), grains and dairy
products is said to be relatively pure as compared to beef with 56% impure water
The FATS of ANIMAL FLESH, such as CHOLESTEROL, line the walls of blood vessels,
and as the meat-eater gets older, the opening of his vessels get smaller and
smaller. Pressure on the heart increases: HEART FAILURE, HIGH-BLOOD PRESSURE,
and STROKE RESULTS. In our society (the highest meat consumers in the world),
one person out of four will die of HEART DISEASE or related BLOOD VESSEL
disease, whereas these diseases are practically unheard of in societies where
meat consumption is low.
Among the most prominent wastes that a meat eater loads his body with the UREA
and URIC ACIDS (nitrogen compounds). Beefsteak, for example, contains about 14
grams uric acid per pound. An American doctor analyzed the urine of MEAT EATERS
and VEGETARIANS and found that the kidney of meat-eaters have to do 3x the
amount of work to eliminate poisonous nitrogen compounds in meat than to the
kidneys of vegetarians. When people are young, they are usually able to bear
this extra burden so that no evidence of injury or disease appears; but, as the
kidneys age and become worn out prematurely, they become unable to do their work
efficiently, and kidney disease is the frequent result.
When KIDNEYS can no longer handle the excessively heavy load of a meat-eating
diet, the unexcreted uric acid is deposited throughout of the body. There it is
absorbed by the muscles like a sponge soaking up water, and later it can harden
and form crystals. When this happens in the joints, the PAINFUL conditions of
GOUT, ARTHRITIS, and RHEUMATISM result; when the uric acid collects in the
NERVES, NEURITIS and SCIATICA occur. Now many doctors are advising patients
suffering from these diseases to stop eating meat completely or to drastically
reduce the amount they eat.
Is it right to kill ANIMALS? Since it is possible for us to live healthy lives
without ever eating meat, it is appropriate to ask whether meat eating is a
moral and humane habit. Clearly animals do not give up their lives voluntarily
so that we can have the luxury of eating meat. Many RELIGIOUS and SPIRITUAL
GROUPS have advocated a vegetarian diet, acknowledging the SACREDNESS of all
LIFE and the need to live without causing suffering.
"'As far as possible articles of food are to be selected from among the sets of
items where the development of consciousness is comparatively little, i.e. if
vegetables are available, animals should not be slaughtered. Secondly, under any
circumstances before killing any animal having developed or undeveloped
consciousness, it is be considered whether it is possible to live in a healthy
body without taking such lives.'"

(Yoga, The Way of Tantra)




January 3 - // January 5-6-13-20-21

February- 6-7-12-13-19-20 // February- 2-3-9-10-16-17-22-23

March-5-6-12-13 March-1-2-8-9-16-17-28-29

April X// April 24-26

May 12-13-20-21-26-27// May 1-2-17-22-29-30

June 1-2-10-19-16-17-22-232-24 June 5-6-12-13-18-19

July3-4-10-11-16-17-18 July 3-4

August X August X

September X September 9-16

October 3-4-9-10-11-16-17-31 October 20-27

November 1-3 November 9-10-21-29-30

December X December 6-14-21

If the date of your birthday is one of the list, it indicate sickness, jinx or
bad karma and other unsolved problems.

Email us if you want to know how to solve this problems.


#1 //6-7-15-16-24-25

#2// 5-6-9-11-14-15-20-25-27-29-31

#3// 1-9-10-13-18-19-22-23-27-29-31

#4// 3-4-12-21-22-23-29-30-31

#5// 1-5-7-9-10-18-19-20-27-29-30

#6// 1-2-10-11-19-20-26-27-29

#7// 5-6-10-14-19-27-28

#8// 3-8-9-12-17-18-23-26-27

#9// 8-13-17-26-28-29-31

If the phases of moon was in full moon, new moon, first and last quarter during
the date in the table, beware of accident, sickness and problem.

K'SATRAS tantrik feng-shui

NORTH - Most person experience possession this is their heading when they sleep,
this also the heading of emotional person. If you have a question regarding to
spirituality or even a problem, this is the good facing for meditation. (email
us if you want the instruction of meditation, the ideation and the mantra for
this meditation)

SOUTH - Siddhi (powerful meditation) this is the facing not revealed the
procedure for the reason that if one knows the procedure he will attain the
highest form of occult power.

EAST - this is the facing to develop the ability of being clairvoyant, person
that are high-blood not allowed heading north. This direction is for spiritual
development & life force enhancer (to recharge).

WEST - Heading of high-blood.





January 1 NORTH 12:00AM//2 WEST 6:00PM //3 NORTH 9:00PM Bootes

February- 5-6-9 FACING NORTH Auriga 10pm

March-- 10-11 North Bootes 3am

April -- 19-21-23 Hercules north 11pm

May -1, 4, 6 east 9pm // ,9,east (ashram)12am // 30 Aquarius north 9pm

June -27- 28- 30- Draco South 7pm

July-14,cygnus 1am //26, 27, 30 Aquarius west 3pm //

August -10, 19south Cygnus 11pm //,11, 14northCassiopeia 2am //,21, 31 east
Draco 9 pm//

September -21 Auriga west 2am

October -12, bootes south 4am//9 draco west, 3am//18, 23 orion 12am east

November -14, 18 Leo west 5am

December -10, 13,Gemini south 8pm


This time, knowledge of Siddhi was opened by Hari Om, for us to realize our body
as the Temple of God. Through this wisdom, a spiritual aspirant will be able to
live in pure and harmonious spiritual life.

Note: On the table, during next day you need to add 45 minutes and so on, to get
the accurate open channel.

example: Month of January, the open channel is 1, 3, and 4. In next date day 3 u
will add 45 minutes, open channel is 6:00 pm, so it will become 6:45 pm. The
formula is the same to other following day. Feel free to email us if you have a
question regarding this article.



Music in the whole universe is divided into seven kinds and two types; EXOTERIC
– the material type of music and; ESOTERIC – the spiritual type of music. From
the beginning of civilization music was believed to be the ‘language of soul’,
because according to ancient texts, sound waves affect all things.

The truth is God created music when He manifested on earth. Music, like any
other significant factor of life has its negative and positive effect. It can be
helpful of destructive not only to our sense of hearing or health but also in
our chakras, the seven (7) heavens inside our body.

The kinds of music and its relation to the 7 heaven of our body that makes us
strong or weak based on the factors of music in four foundations of life.

1. First Heaven - Medley - Hard Metal Music

2. Second Heaven - Mellow - Jazz Music

3. Third Heaven - Sweet - Rock Music

4. Fourth Heaven - Folk - Pop Music

5. Fifth Heaven - Hymnal - Rap Music

6. Sixth Heaven - Classical – Spiritual Music

7. Seventh Heaven - Shabda – Cosmic Music


This music has the ability to invigorate the light within our first chakra.
Although this was a combination of different kinds of music, it posses a
positive effect that gives hope for the listeners. It is advised to play this
music at home for us to overcome the negative effects of dark side music.

Later, we can prove to ourselves that it has a great role for our daily
activities in life.


It’s almost the same as rock music. Has its great effect on drugs and violence.
The animalistic nature of this music can invoke suicide. According to history of
this kind of music.

Causing high temperament is another negative effect of this music.

If you can be able to observe the reactions made by Hard Metal into our first
heaven you won’t ever dare to hear it again. Because, it destroys our aura and
weakens our life force.


This music represents the second chakra and causes a positive effect to it. Adds
bloom to the auric color with astonishing pleasant silvery light due to person’s
purity and innocence. But when a person mind was ruled with malice and sin the
color of his aura will covered by dark clouds appears dirty.

In contrast, Mellow Music controls the negative effect of Jazz Music in our body
and mind. Though it enhances sensitivity and loneliness to our mind it makes our
mind to become passive. This broadens our mindset, makes one matured, lovely and
promotes caring for each individual.


Is a form of music and dance of Americans, derived from the native songs of
Negroes, which has direct connection with voodoo or religion of darkness. We can
observe that the lyric of this music was not easy to comprehend because it is
equipped with incomplete vulgar or lascivious words and lively musical

It activates our second heaven, which makes us very active in sex. The rhythm of
this music activates the different chakras or heaven inside our body which in
turn there is a point that we weren’t able to control it. The Jazz Music can
create indecent behavior to human being and the worst is, one can be able to
commit rape.

In women, there is a tendency to become flirt if this kind of music will always
be heard.

The source of this music can trace back to the drumbeat of Voodoo people in
Haiti. The non-rhythm and almost in trance state of dancing with the music can
transfer energy that causes opening of different chakras or heaven in
unprecedented place and time.

It is not healthy or even advisable to hear Jazz for it can leave our life into

A kind of music with a simple harmony and pleasant to the ears. It makes the
color of third chakra to become highly clear, it helps to cure the violent and
ridiculous attitude of a person. Even people with anxiety especially when it
will be played everyday.

During the time when Sweet Music usually plays in the air, we can say that there
was harmony and peace to the people, inspite of their sufferings from poverty.
If we can see the auric color of this third chakra it appears as bright crimson
red in color but when a person tends to hear negative kinds of music, this color
changes to dull red.


The devilish style of rhythm and dance of this music can influence our mind to
reason out or become rebellious. We can observe that younger generation was very
eager to hear this kind of music. The third heaven of the body was influenced by
this rock music.

It can also cause the temperament to be higher that can result to violence, and
comatose to those with weaker health condition. Disharmony and unpleasant
condition to the family is the essence of this music.

In early 1970’s rock music has its peak of dominance in music industry, this
incident coincide with the drastic behavior and violence within the same year
was very catching to the observers which in turn, leads to the declaration of
Martial Law in the Philippines alone in 1972.

So, for the parents who has plan for the harmony of their parenting beware of
this music to your children.


This music counteracts the negative effect of Pop Music; it makes the color of
fourth chakra to become brighter. This chakra called as Anahata for yogis.
Regular listening to this kind of music makes one develop good traits such as
sweetness, reverence and nice to his fellowship.

This is advisable for children for them to help build good traits and attitudes,
but most of all is self-control. During that time, because of this folk music
there was almost no violence nor crime in the environment. It also suggests
meaningful but simple living to human.


This hasn’t ill effect to the fourth chakra of our body, though it must be clear
to the listeners the real positive essence of the music. It causes one to become
egoistic, materialistic and lack of self confidence.


A good example of this is the religious songs. It represents the first step of
holiness in spiritual life. It counteracts the negative effect of Rap Music that
destroys our spiritual personality. So, for those people who want to start his
new religious life for him to get even a very small amount of devotion to God,
this kind of music will be in great help for the aspirant. Especially for the
liberation from the bondage of sin and understanding anything, everything in
this world.

The great fear for the spiritual aspirant is to fall from the temptations of the
world, because he is always tempt compared to other individual. It is because of
his strong magnetic personality, like the emanation of his aura that shines
holiness in the environment.

The color of this chakra resembles those of nebular clouds with three changing
colors of yellow, orange and blue that shines like a rainbow around the body


In recent years, this music is very familiar. It sings with an extraordinary
dancing or jumping, continuous knocking and tapping of any available material in
the environment. Unconsciously, it can cause a detriment to the harmony of fifth
chakra of the body. It can push the animate to become a binary individual. He
can also suffer from anxiety or anxious of the past regrets that happens to his
life; due to this he always hurt for somebody to accept his regrets. Other
negative effects are; laziness, gluttony and unsystematic.

It is advisable to equalize this by hearing the Hymnal Music for us to alleviate
the positive outcome in response to the negativity of that music imposing

In this chapter we will discuss the positive effects of music in life that will
used as a protective instrument for our body and mind.


Classical Music falls from spiritual category of music, but for this to become
classical, the music or song has its three distinct characteristics; 1. it must
be pure, 2. Romantic and 3. Express a high spiritual quality of the song.

Royal blood family hears this kind of music until this time. It is really
because they are taught in Esoteric schools who believes that it suggest
abundance and power to the listeners of this music. It is notable that wealthy
people tends to hear this kind of music.

It was also studied that Classical Music has its relaxing and soothing effect to
our mind and body which leads for right decisions in life.

Overture, Symphony and Opera are good example of Classical Music that greatly
influenced our “state of subconscious mind.” If a person is full of spirituality
and has ability to control himself specially from sexual activity; the color of
chakra is glowing like a sun with golden rays, but if the individual can easily
be tempt, it appears pale yellow with the rusting color which causes him to
suffer from jumbleness, shock and a slight brain damage if not totally become
mentally ill.

So, beware of this negativity and try to enhance this chakra for the spiritual
aspirant to attain success and spiritual progress.


This is the Cosmic Sound that we can here from the point of the universe. This
is the reason why it is called as ‘song of the devas or angels’ in heaven. It
has no lyrics like the songs in the material realm; instead we can assume this
is one of the heavenly sounds.

This music was made from the very beginning of creation of the Supreme, and its
vibrations slowly invade the whole universe. This song of devas cause spiritual
understanding of the mystery of creation of everything in the whole universe
that can’t be understood by an ordinary being. Even the possessed individual can
be easily cured by this kind of music.

This is the bearer of Cosmic Prana of Life Force in the entire universe, that
whoever devotedly listens could acquire good health, wealth and glory most of
all liberation or spiritual understanding which serves as our powerful tools in
this complicated world.

There are four foundations of life where our life, health and fate falls
according to the music that we are fond of;

!. Love

2. Health

3. Success

4. Prosperity

These could be balanced and harmonized well for us to overcome the negative
elements in our environment.

If one of the foundations of life breaks, this means that contentment in life
cannot be achieved.

It seems like we’re getting to be ruined and we will suffer from a miserable
life. Therefore not only the material sphere is affected but spiritual sphere as

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we accept any donations.

"The purpose of this article is to offer a historically accurate origin of tarot
cards; To explain how some misinformation about tarot card history came to
exist. That for the sake of Truth you may understand the spiritual essence why
this enigmatic cards had been created, to guide people for their quest of

The word Tarot (pronounce ta-row) originally came from Indian 'Taru' which means
pack of cards. Its clear compare to other conclusion where the word Tarot
originates, we can notice that literally it means card. Its called Tar by the
Gypsy similar to the meaning to Taru pack of cards. The deck was divided into
two parts called arcana (Latin for secret) the major and minor arcana. Literally
it means chest, as we all know all secrets or treasures keeps in chest. During
ancient time these cards called Karanas.

What are the Tarot cards? What makes them so different from our own playing
cards? Can they really foretell the future? Can anyone learn how to read them?

There are numerous theories as to where and how the Tarot was developed. Many
scholars and experts even in medieval times disagree as to its origins and
evolution in the same way as other mysteries of life. Many contend that its
roots reach as far back as ancient Egypt in a time when their arts and sciences
were flourishing. Passed through the ages, the Tarot was eventually brought into
Europe by the Gypsies. Others say that the Tarot origins are from an ancient
Hebrew lore known as the Qabalah, pointing to a correspondence between the
Hebrew alphabet and the Major Arcana. Still others believe that they were
brought from India and others even believe that they are remnants of the lost
city of Atlantis. The origins of the Minor Arcana are in doubt as well. Some may
state that they were part of the original Egyptian deck while others contend
that they were added until after the first millennium.


"The world is built upon the power of numbers." (Pythagoras)

Numerology considered as one of the Ancient Mystic Knowledge. Those who tried to
know its exact origin, they did not found when and where it came from.

"In reality the originator of Numerology is Thoth Anubis---also known as ‘dho-ti’.
The inventor of nine cosmic numbers. We can notice that Ancient Egyptian connect
their alphabet to number; it is because they believe that number possesses
occult power. This concept combined the number and astrology, both of them has
strong link to each other. That’s why during ancient time our nature connect to
this mystical number. Like 5 senses, 7 colours of spectrum, the 12 zodiacal
signs, and others."

In Qaballah or in the philosopher of Judaism, the number has it mystical
meaning. In ancient times and even in Middle Ages, we can notice the study of
spiritual knowledge based on science of numbers. In reality, the Bible written
in Ancient Hebrew, was based in Numerology. Look 666 in the book of Revelation.

Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the
number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six
hundred threescore and six (666).

***In revelation 13:18 stated that you need the wisdom to count the number of
the BEAST, so in what way or what system do you use to count the number of the
beast? John 'the divine' the writer of the Book of Revelation was initiated in
Hebrew Qaballah, so its proper to use this system to decipher the number of the

Qaballah was a combination of Egyptian and Babylonian knowledge, it contains
secret mystical book of Jews, like magickal and philosophical arts of number
known as GEMATRIA, based on 22 letters of Hebrew Alphabet. It is originally came
from Egyptian Alphabet.

Even there are some difference in numerical system, in our present time, we
bring you the “Magick Numerology”---the perfect number in this lore of mystical
knowledge. Most knowledge pertains to numerology, was based on the theory of
Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras, he was learn and study the
numerology in India. He believes that the world is built upon the power of
numbers, and all of this things can be explained through numbers the key to
cosmological knowledge.

Numerology was also known as Numeromancia or Aritomancia was use in all
divination. In present numerologist focus on knowing the traits and character of
every individual and it is relation to them. The basis of numerology it believes
that the number especially those who start from 1 to 9 gives strong influence to
their life and personality.

All entity has their number can be connect to the important event in their life.
Number of names and birthday was the first factor can be considered.


Lets make an example for you to learn how to get the master and soul number.

Numerological equivalent of every number:

1 - a j s

2 - b k t

3 - c l u

4 - d m v

5 - e n w

6 - f o x

7 - g p y

8 - h q z

9 - i r



A=1 D=4O=6 L=3P=7 H=8 U=3 S=1 H=8 I=9 T=2 L=3 E=5 R=9

Then add all the numbers, like this: 1+4+6+3+7+8+3+1+8+9+2+3+5+9 = 69

So numerological equivalent of Adolphus Hitler is 69, his 'master number' add it
into a single digit 6+9 = 15 = 1+5 = 6 every double number must be add to a
single number. 'Soul number' of Adolfus Hitler is '6'.

Now, you now the basic of numerology. Good luck for exploring the magickal world
of numbers.


1 -King/Queen disposition

2- Lucid ~ Psychic - Dualism

3 - Clever ~ Devotion

4 - Solid ~ Fanatism

5 - Daredevil ~ Wrangler - Adventurer

6 - Deep Mind ~ Tender-hearted

7 - Mystery ~ Emotional/Sensitive

8 - Twilight ~ Messenger

9 - Spiritualist/Materialistic - Fighting Spirit

Optimistic sign: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9

Pessimistic sign: 2, 4, 6, 8



You're a natural born leader, have strong perceptive faculties, very ambitious
and aspiring.

He who has persistence may read his answers in the stars and find the solution
to success. You are what you are because of the fact you are born at a time when
the Sun was traversing the sign of Aries. Know your sign, and you can make the
best of the characteristics, temperament, talents, virtues and faults with which
you are endowed.


You are practical and patient, but at times you can be stubborn as a bull when
you believe you're right.

You who have the persistence will be able to open the door that leads to an
understanding of your fate, past, present and future. Your physical and mental
characteristics are determined by the fact that when you were born, the Sun was
traversing the sign of Taurus. Knowledge of your sign will enable you to make
the best of your position in life.


You are very affectionate and generous, proud of birth and have a great deal of
family pride.

To him who has the mentality, it is given to solve the problem of our destiny.
The Sun was traversing the sign of Gemini when you were born, thus endowing you
with certain qualities and characteristic. A study of your sign will give you
the means to make the best of your talents and opportunities.


You are proud, independent, has superior intelligence, inclined to be artistic
and desirous of high position.

Those who have the vision to penetrate the veil which obscures our fate in life
will discover the secret of success. Your general characteristics are influenced
by the fact that the Sun was traversing the sign of Cancer when you were born.
Know your sign, and you will understand the reason and nature of your being.


You are conservative, generous and desire justice with all whom you have any

Virgo - August 24 - September 22 AN ANALYSIS OF THE ENIGMA OF THE PLANETS

You are tactful and courteous and adopt yourself to those with whom you come in

Libra - September 23 - October 23 THE WHYS AND WHEREFORES OF OUR DESTINY

You have keen intuition, splendid inspiration power and possesses good business


You are capable of making great attainments in whatever you may undertake.

Sagittarius - November 22 - December 22 THE ANSWER TO THE QUEST FOR GUIDANCE

You are a person of action rather than words and are apt to decide important
matters without giving them due consideration.

Capricorn - December 22 - January 20 A GUIDE FOR THE PURSUIT OF SUCCESS IN LIFE

You are generous, loyal and any promise made by you is held as sacred.

Aquarius - January 20 - February 19 THE RESPONSE TO THE TRUTH-SEEKER

You have a very strong character and great power of attainments.


You have a kind dispositions, are affectionate, and always ready to forgive an



Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Gemini, Libra, Aquarius


Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

:: SANSKRIT :: The Language of God

Vedic Sanskrit 50 thousand years ago from mars to earth.

Sanskrit was the OLDEST language in the WORLD. Sanskrit is considered to be the
language of the Gods, as it is made up of the primordial sounds, and is
developed systematically to include the natural progressions of sounds as
created in the human mouth. Henry David Thoreau once developed what he thought
would be the perfect alphabet, and ended up creating something remarkably
similar to Sanskrit. NASA and others have been looking at Sanskrit as a possible
computer language since its syntax is perfect and leaves little room for error.
Joseph Campbell, the late, great mythologist referred to Sanskrit as, "The great
spiritual language of the world."

From 'Samskrita', sama + krita, which means sama(combined) + krita(perfect) =
combined perfect.

Zephaniah 3:9 For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may
all call upon the name of the LORD,to serve him with one consent. [KJV Bible]

Om Poornamadah Poornamidam

Poornaat Poornamudachyate

Poornasya Poornamaadaaya


Om Shanti, Shanti, Shantihi

This is perfect -- that is perfect.

From the perfect comes the perfect.

When the perfect is removed from the perfect,

only perfection remains.

May there be peace, peace, perfect peace.

[Sanskrit Shloka, from Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 5.1.1]


Ayam me hasto bhagavan

Ayam me bhagavattarah

Ayam me visvabheshajah

Ayam Shivabhimarshanah

My hand is the lord

Boundlessly blissful is my hand

This hand holds all healing secrets

Which make whole with its gentle touch.

- Rig Veda-


(The Power of Philippine Herbs)

Herbs have been used for medicinal purposes for many centuries. However, much
progresses science makes in the field of medicine, people still come back to
these simple herbal remedies.

WHY? Because experience has shown that herbal remedies are gentle, sure and
above all safe.

HERBS are a part of nature, just as man himself is a part of nature. Herbs
contain nature's elements in balanced form, each herb containing just those
elements needed to help the particular ailment for which it is used. They're all
been tried and tested for THOUSAND of YEARS.

We are not suggesting or disclaiming any of orthodox or unorthodox methods of
healing but we are giving more emphasis on the naturopathy as a surest way of
recovery in general. Implementations of any comprehensible potion in any manner
not endorsed by our website are absolutely out of our liabilities. Preparation
and procedures of application are not well explained due to some limitations of
on-line communication.

Inquiries and consultation is available 24 hours a day in any of the following;


mobile : 09108950350

note : herbal suggestions may vary from one person to another.

Power of Herbs

Herba buena (Eng. Marsh mint) + Eucalyptus + Oregano (coleus amboinicus) =
treatment for cough

Serpentina (maravillosa) = treatment for diabetes

Lemon + Ginger = treatment for rheumatism (nerve enhancer)

Makahiya (Eng. Sensitive plant) = treatment for internal infections

Eucalyptus = treatment for acute bronchitis (vaporizing within 30 minutes)

Corn hair = for heart trouble

Coconut oil + camphor oil or garlic oil, gumamela (Eng. Hibiscus, China Rose,
Shoeflower), artamisa (Eng. Motherwort, felon herb, mugwort, worm wood, wegwood)
= treatment for wounds

Tanglad china (Chinese lemon grass) and Eucalyptus = treatment for asthma

Java mint – can cure asthma, T.B., lump, mash, sinusitis (adenoid), and for

Coco juice + Chinese lemon grass can be used as hot compress on patient with

Banana peeling (Lakatan) when roasted is an alternative cure for a person
suffering from Gastro enteritis.

Pandan root when boiled with **** is an alternative medicine for impotency.

*More list of herbs will be added in this page.



First Quarter - 6:00 p.m.

Last Quarter - 6:00 a.m.

Full Moon - 6:00 p.m

New Moon - 6:00 a.m

Timing of Time in Healing – 1 day after minus 40 minutes, until next day, in the
third day minus 15 minutes.


The first phase symbolizes a young and vibrant Spring in which birth, growth and
beginning are emphasized. It is an excellent time to put seed on the ground, to
start new ventures or open a business. People born during the first week of the
lunar month are the Spring People – equipped with lively, innovative minds, free
spirits and love for new ideas and adventure. They are generally inventive and
outgoing but are also impulsive and restless by nature.


The second phase is identified with Summer, and it advocates both mental and
physical maturity since it ends at the peak of the lunar month. A prime time to
transplant seedlings * to fertilize the soil to promote lush growth. The Moon’s
continuing ascent favors aggressive and forceful action. Summer, or First
quarter, people will likewise be strong minded, as they are competent fighters
and capable doers. Full of potent energy, they are leaders of the cycle.


The third phase, commencing with the full moon, shows great affinity to Autumn,
or the Fall. A time to harvest ripened fruit and grain, mend broken fences, cut
wood for Winter, preserve food * consolidate one’s resources after the harvest.
The moon begins her descent after the fifteenth day. Autumn children will like
to organize, restore order, resolve problems and settle disputes with
intelligence and calm reason. Theirs is the phase of the harvestor and


During the fourth week of the lunar month, which is called the last quarter, the
lunar month is in its Winter, and this is generally the time to settle debts,
close a business or finish up the project. The waning moon is also conducive to
the slaughter of livestock, extraction of teeth, cutting of hair etc. It was
also believe that operations during this time will result in less bleeding.
Winter people, born between the twenty-second-and-a-half-day and the
twenty-ninth-and-a-half-day of the lunar month are the thinkers, keepers of
confidences and makers of objective, analytical decisions. They possess cool,
logical minds and are patient and preserving in their actions. Like potent roots
that lie asleep in the warm earth beneath a blanket of winter snow, they will
conserve their energy and burst forth with new life when the time is right.

YOGIKA CHIKITSA (Yogic Treatments)

The more you learned yoga. The more you know how supreme it really is.



Difficulty in breathing, caused partly by kapha and partly by Vayu, is the
symptom of this disease. The attack is usually felt towards the end of the


When the fine bronchial tubes through which air flows to the lungs become full
of phlegm or mucus due to weakness of the glands connected to the Anahata Cakra,
(*) the passage of air becomes obstructed. Due to contraction of the weak
bronchial tubes, the carbon dioxide of the body cannot come out as it should,
and that poisonous gas, trapped in the body, is to a large extent responsible
for the breeding of disease germs.

The weakening of the glands connected to the Anahata Cakra cannot alone be
responsible for permanent respiratory trouble. When weakness of the glands
related to the Manipura Cakra (*) -- as a primary cause -- and of those related
to the Vishuddha Cakra (*Psychic-energy centres located at the mid-point of the
chest, the navel an the throat, respectively.)-- as a secondary cause-- is added
to the weakness of the glands of the Anahata Cakra, then only does a respiratory
disease express itself. If, due to weakness of the digestive fluids, the blood
gets contaminated by acids, or if one is suffering from constipation, then
different organs of the body also become weak. In such a condition, due to
weakness of the lungs, the nervous system controlling the lungs also suffers
from debility and finally the bronchial tubes as well become weak. That is the
time when asthma becomes fully manifest.


For breakfast patients should eat local sweet or sour fruits, or meoya fruits
soaked in water for a few hours. A little lemon juice should be consumed a
number of times during the day. The patient should never completely fill the
stomach. The bowels should be cleared carefully, because constipation aggravates
asthma. As for food, a small quantity of hot boiled rice or ruti, together with
sufficient leafy-vegetable soup, milk, curd (yogurt) or curd-water should be
used. In fact all alkaline foods are beneficial in this disease. Ghee, oil,
rice, pulses, rutis, and all non-vegetarian foods are acidic, therefore the less
these are taken the better.

Do’s and Don’ts:

Milk should be the main drink for asthma patients. It is better for them to
finish the evening meal as early as possible, certainly by an hour and a half
after sunset, that is, by 7:30 or 8 PM, because it will keep the stomach light,
having digested the food well before dawn. Then acute asthmatic spasms cannot
occur. Remember that asthmatic spasms cannot occur when one's stomach hungers
for food, so in a severe attach of asthma, the more one fasts, the better.

Asthma patients should strictly abstain from all sorts of intoxicants. Anyone
who drinks less than three-fourths seer of milk a day should not drink even one
cup of tea. Also, all non-vegetarian types of food are to rejected.

For a person who cannot avoid eating non-vegetarian food, a little soup of small
and freshly-caught fish is permissible. In those countries where it is almost
impossible to obtain vegetarian types of food, patients should use myrobalan or
some other laxative agent after meals in order to save themselves from
constipation. In summer, winter and in all seasons, patients should take a long
walk in the open air.

Some remedies:

1. Excellent results can be achieved if the patient takes on tola of the branch
roots of white punarnava ground together in river water with 2 1/2 pieces of
black pepper. Do this on an empty stomach while sitting facing north, on any
Monday, after bathing.

2. Boil 5 tolas of cow's ghee in a kansa pot. In another pot heat 2 1/2 tolas of
ginger extract, and mix it into the boiled ghee and cover with a Kansa plate.
When the mixture has stopped simmering, take about 2 tolas and pour it into 1/8
seer of hotmilk and give it to the asthma patient to drink when his/her
suffering is acute. Plenty of mucus and phlegm will immediately be brought up,
and the patient will feel relieved. If the mixture can be taken continuously for
fifteen days, the disease will be completely cured.

3. Catch a frog and take out its heart. Cut the heart into four parts. For four
consecutive mornings, after having a bath, eat one piece together with a banana
on a completely empty stomach. It will bring good results.

4. Catch 6 or 7 cockroaches and boil them in half a seer of water. When the
water has boiled down to 1/8 seer (10 tolas), strain it carefully and drink it
hot twice a day, 5 tolas each time. This relieves asthma.

5. Burn a peacock feather to ashes and take 1/16 tola of the ashes by slowly
licking with honey. This will relieve the suffering of asthma within a short

6. Aged raw cane sugar and pure mustard oil mixed in equal quantities
(preferably one tola each), if taken by licking them each day early in the
morning for twenty-one days continuously on an empty stomach, will give
excellent results in asthma.




Physical weakness, acidic or watery belching, dizziness, burning stomach,
heartburn, etc.


Oxygen inhaled in breathing enters the body and eventually turns into carbon
dioxide. Through the influence of this carbon dioxide, the digestive
fluid-secreting glands are activated. If food is taken irregularly and
excessively day after day, or if food is forced down with little or no appetite,
or if eating rich food becomes a steady habit, it becomes impossible for the
digestive fluid to digest the food properly. then, just as one the one hand the
undigested or partially- digested food turns into poisonous gas, so on the other
hand the secreted digestive fluid gradually turns into harmful acid.

The digestive fluids are themselves acidic, but under normal conditions when
they digest food they themselves are digested. When, however, as a result of the
aforesaid irregularities, they are unable to digest the food, the fluids
themselves also remain undigested.

The cause of acidity, therefore, is the poisonous gas being produced by the
decomposed food, together with the putrid acid produced by the deterioration of
the undigested fluids.

The putrid acidic gas and fluids cause a burning sensation in the stomach. When
they rise up to the chest they cause heartburn; when they reach the throat,
burning is felt in the throat; when they rise further they cause dizziness.

Due to this excessive acidity, the blood becomes acid- dominated. Being
overworked, the blood-purifying organs of the body also become weak, and the
patient feels weak.

This over-acidity of the blood also causes swelling and consequent pain in
different parts of the body, especially the joints. The name of this condition
is 'rheumatism.'

When a strong and continuous effort is being made by the body's organs to purify
the over-acid blood, this condition is called 'colic' or 'shooting pain.'


In acidity boiled old rice (grains a few years old), soup of green vegetables
(no vegetables fried, parched, or taken in large quantity), juicy sweet or sour
fruits, and curd-water are especially useful. Curd (yogurt) alone is not
particularly beneficial for acidity patients.

Do’s and Don’ts:

For patients of acidity it is particularly important to walk in the open air, to
eat less food than the appetite demands, and to drink plenty of water, in small
amounts, at intervals throughout the day. Coconut and coconut foods and
medicines are especially useful in this disease. Patients should refrain from
eating breakfast and snacks. If the hunger is unbearable, the patient may eat a
little bit of juicy fruit. A frequent symptom of this disease is that, due to
old habits, the digestive glands discharge an excessive quantity of fluids, as a
result of which the patient suddenly feels an extreme hunger at odd times, which
is called 'demon hunger.' That is why we find that a patient who is often in a
depressed mood about his/her disease or goes around talking about the disease to
everyone, when he/she sits down to eat, eats excessively. This symptom is the
result of the secretion of digestive fluids at a particular time in accordance
with the old habits of the patient. It is therefore desirable to be cautious
about this 'demon,' detrimental hunger. An acidity patient should never violate
these do's and don'ts.

If due to the over-secretion of digestive fluids the patient suffers from 'demon
hunger,' it can be relieved by drinking a large glass of water. When the acidity
patient feels pain, it is advisable to drink orange or tangerine juice mixed in
tepid water. After the pain has subsided, lemon juice in cold water should be
taken. As with dyspepsia, during mealtime and for an hour thereafter breath
should be flowing through the patient's right nostril.

At the time of severe colic pain, the dominant flow of breath should be changed
from the nostril through which it was flowing at the time the pain started to
the other nostril. allowing the bile to accumulate by not taking something when
one is hungry should never be permitted, because in that even the undigested
bile itself will become the cause of acidity.

Some remedies:

1. Eat some shredded dry coconut along with a prepared betel (Piper betle Linn.)
leaf, or some flesh of mature coconut along with aniseed.

2. To get immediate relief from a distressing colic pain, equal quantities of
chalk and atapa rice powder should be ground together, and 1/2 tola of the
mixture should be taken.

3. Take with cold water 1/16 of the white portion of the ashes of the tamarind (Tamarindus
indica Linn) pod.

4. Take 1/16 tola of the ashes of white akanda leaf and rock salt after burning
them together in equal quantities in an enclosed earthen pot.

5. As with dyspepsia, it is desirable for acidity patients to observe fasting on
Ekadashii days and regulation of diet on Purnima and Amavasya.




Incessant desire for urination, burning sensation in the urinary tract,
continuous thirst and sweet taste in the mouth, attraction of flies and ants
towards the urine, headache, dizziness, pale and dry skin, becoming old in
appearance at a young age, discomfort all over the body, etc., taken together,
are the indications of diabetes. It is often found that diabetic persons suffer
from cataracts.


It is not always the case that sugar is present in the urine of diabetes
patients. Diabetes with sugar in the urine is called 'somaroga' or 'madhumeha'.
Diabetes without sugar is called 'muratisara' or 'udakameha'.

The debility of the Manipura Cakra (* Psychic-energy center located at the
navel.) is the main cause of diabetes. Amongst the pancreatic juices, one
secretion helps in the digestion of food, and another separates the sugar
content from non-vegetarian and starchy types of food. The sugar is then stored
in a particular section of the liver and according to body requirements it is
dissolved to generate heat and vital power to run the body mechanism. Chronic
indigestion, constipation (here also the stool usually turns into pellets), and
excessive seminal waste-- all weaken the vitality of the liver. When such
weakening takes place, the sugar contents of the food, failing to find a storage
place in the liver, are assimilated into the blood and gradually accumulate. As
a result, the blood gets polluted and loses its immune properties to a great
extent. The natural reaction of the body in such a situation is to try to purify
the blood by separating out its sugar content and expelling it with the urine.
To dissolve the sugar, the human body needs plenty of water, and that is why
diabetes patients suffer from a continuous thirst. Sugar emitted with the urine
in a large quantity gradually reduces the vital energy of diabetes patients.


As diabetes is basically a disease of liver and pancreas, care has to be taken
to keep these organs in a healthy state, and to do so patients must select food
that will keep their bowels clear, yet which is nutritious and easily
digestible. All types of fruits are good for this disease, especially ripe
bananas. Non-vegetarian food must never be eaten. Vegetable proteins are also
acidic, hence they are to eaten as sparingly as possible. It is therefore
advisable to reduce the intake of rice and ruti (made of wheat flour) and
instead to use more foods such as vegetable soup, plantain soup, patol, okra,
dhundula, palta, squash (Lagenaria vulgaris Seringe), plantain spathes and
flowers, figs, etc., which contain alkaline properties.PRIVATE

Do’s and Don’ts:

Diabetes is the disease of intellectuals. Those who do physical labor seldom
suffer from this disease. Undergoing mental exertion, remaining indoors for a
long period, physical laziness, constipation, intemperance, etc., are reasons
for the contraction of diabetes. As has already been said, diabetes is basically
connected with the liver and the pancreas, hence only those foods should be
selected which do not over-stimulate those vital organs. Similarly, work and
exercise which will help to bring these organs into their normal state of health
must be pursued more and more. For those who are adverse to physical labor, a
cure from diabetes is next to impossible.

The human body also needs the nutrients offered by starchy and non-vegetarian
types of food; therefore foods which are not acidic but rather alkaline, yet
contain those nutrients, should be taken in greater quantity to meet those
needs. This will include coconut, peanuts, curd (yogurt), bananas, etc. A drink
of peanut extract and water without sugar and with little or no honey is ideal
as both food and medicine for this disease.

Remember that insulin may increase the vitality of a patient but can never cure
the disease.

Generally diabetes patients are a bit greedy, and sometimes they eat too much
sweetened food, which brings on the disease. Diabetes patients must keep control
over such temptations and should practice fasting.

In the severe state of the disease a continuous fast for two or three days
taking nothing but a little juice of lemon or other fruit will definitely reduce
the sugar content of the urine.

Sometimes sugar is completely absent in the urine. In this respect one has to
remember that sugar may be found temporarily in the urine if the urinary
bladder, kidney or some other internal organ is subjected to a blow. If in such
cases insulin is given, it will actually harm the patient. Under such
circumstances the best thing to do would be to treat the injury of the concerned
organ appropriately, and then the urine of the patient will automatically become

Some remedies:

1. Boil myrobalan, mutha, lodha and banyan fruits in equal quantities and drink
2 tolas of the extract early in the morning for a few days regularly. This will
bring a good result.

2. Crush about 1/8 seer of guava leaves in water at night. The next morning
strain the leaves out and drink the water. This will bring good results during
the severe state of diabetes.

3. (a) 1 tola of yajina dumura juice with honey; or

(b) 1 tola of telakuca leaf extract taken with honey early in the morning by
licking it; will relieve diabetes.

4. (a) 1/16 tola of the inside of jam seeds with honey; or

(b) Dry shimula root crushed with powder, to be licked with honey in a quantity
of 1/16 tola; will yield excellent results with diabetes.

5. When the disease is worsening, 5 tolas of bansha leaves in half a seer of
water, boiled down to 1/8 seer, and the leaves strained out, should be drunk for
immediate results.

6. Boil gente durba, vahina dumura, emblic myrobalan (emblica offinalis Gaetrn.),
myrobalan, coriander seeds and gandha-mutha in equal quantities in half a seer
of water. When boiled down to 1/8 seer, drink it. Do this every day for a week
at break of dawn. This will bring beautiful results.




Swelling and contractions of the muscles or of different joints, acute pain or
deformity of the swollen parts, etc., are the symptoms of this disease.


The causes of this disease are just like those of acidity. That is to say,
rheumatism occurs when the vayu bodily air is disturbed due to excess of
poisonous acids in the body.

Treatment: Same as for acidity.

Rheumatism patients should drink a sufficient quantity of water (say four to
five seers a day, but not much at a time), and should also observe he bathing
and sun-bathing procedures. First the diseased limb should be exposed several
times to the rays of the sun, and finally the entire body. The prescribed
procedure for sun-bathing should be carefully followed, i.e., exposing the
particular limb or the entire body to the sun for fifteen to twenty minutes at a
stretch at the time fixed for summer or winter months (see Appendix). When the
particular limb or the entire body, as the case may be, has become sufficiently
warm, the patient should retire to the shade and wipe the area with a wet towel.
This can be repeated several times.


When a person's system becomes acid-dominated rheumatism is the consequence.
Hence the more a patient takes alkaline types of food, the better. If
three-fourths of the food is alkaline, it will cure rheumatism completely within
a very short time. That is to say, all kinds of sweet and sour fruits and roots,
are good for a rheumatism patient. Fasting with lemon juice and water on
Ekadashii, Purnima and Amavasya days must be observed. Instead of cooked rice,
it is better to take relatively dry food like ruti at night. But it is always
better for rheumatism patients to take as little as possible starchy and acidic
food such as rice, ruti, luci, etc., and instead to take fruits, roots,
vegetable soups, etc., which are alkaline.

Do’s and Don’ts:

Just as for acidity; special care must be taken to clear the bowels regularly.

Some special remedies:

All remedies prescribed for acidity are also applicable in this disease. In

1. When rheumatism first starts expressing itself, a mild purgative will cure it
quickly. 10 or 12 tender leaves of sodala fried in ghee; or

2. 10 or 12 tender leaves of bichuti fried in ghee-- either of the two eaten
with rice, will yield good results in the initial stages of rheumatism.

3. Castor oil with a little salt; or

4. Akanda gum with a little salt; rubbed on the rheumatic limbs, will give good

5. Rheumatism can be cured by placing a warm solution of sajane gum mixed with
water and a little asafetida (Ferula foetida Regel) on the affected limb, or by

6. Garlic, ginger and the root of apamarga, pounded together, to the affected

7. Fry some pork in mustard oil and rub that oil on the limbs. This will ease
the pain.

8. Tiger fat rubbed on the limbs will work similarly.

9. Either anantamula extract with honey: or

10. Gulainca extract; duly cooled and taken in 5 tolas quantity every morning
will yield good results within a very short time.

11. Boil 2 tolas of triphala in half a seer of water; and when it has boiled
down to 1/8 seer and is still warm, add 2 tolas of ginger extract. Drinking this
for three days will surely cure rheumatic fever as well as elephantiasis,
filaria, or any similar condition.


measurement: 1 tola = 12 gm.

Friday, July 4, 2008
Daet - sa Lupang Hinirang

by: Trim

Daet means close together.
The center is Bad-as.Barangay Bad-as.
But the market is in Barangay Mantagbac, Pandan, Barangay VI-VII-Barangay VIII and Barangay Ilaod and III.Also the mall at Barangay Lag -On.
The dialect at Daet or Daet City or Daet, Cams. Norte is Taglish. Taglish,Bicol,Bisaya,and Tagalog.MOre People prefer tagalog ,Bicol and English here , and for some Taglish.In the ancient time Calasgasan was the commercial center . If you will look at Bagasbas from the airplane it is glowing from above. Its cause by collision of moon to earth.

Taglish Horoscope

Cancer - Jun 22-Jul 22
Ay mga taong maramdamin at pulitiko. Silay may sacrificing nature, and will do anything for love.
Leo - Jul 23- Aug 22
Ang Leo ay extra sensitive , ipinanganak na mga tagapagturo. Sila ay naghahari harian sa tahanan.
Virgo Aug 23- Sept 23
May ugaling palapintasin, laging sila ang magaling. Marunong sa mga gawain pang technician, intellectual , at trabahong naglalakbay . Mahilig sa mga awitin.
Libra - Sept 24- Oct 23
May ugaling nanunumbat, naninisi at matuwid. Sila rin ay nag papahirap sa sarili, maka Dios at fanatic.
Scorpio-Oct 24-Nov 22
Taong maaaring introvert o extrovert. Ingatan ang baga at mata.Sila ay may ugaling mapagtimpi,masipag, at hard working.
Sagittarius- Nov 23- Dec 21
Mga taong madaling umunlad. May prinsipyo . Ipinanganak na mga businessman ,teacher, medical worker at mabubuting haligi at ilaw ng tahanan. Ingatan ang kidney ,thyroid gland at liver.
Capricorn-Dec 22 -Jan 19
Mataas mangarap. Mga taong masipag, makulit at matulungin.
Aquarius- Jan 20- Feb 18
May ugaling natural, traditional, masipag, mapagmahal at maramdamin.
Pisces- Feb 19-Mar20
Ipinanganak na mahiligin sa sining at pagkutingting, silay masisipag at maunawain.
Aries- Mar 21-April 19
Ay mga taong isinsagawa ang iniisip. Ginagawa ang sinasalita, subalit may disiplina at pagpaparaya.
Taurus- April 20 May 20
Mga taong may ugaling masipag, makatarungan, malalakas at matatalino.Silay maramdamin, ingatan ang mata,at ulo.
Gemini- May 21- Jun 21
Ipinanganak na may diplomasya at charm. Silay nagiging mga manunulat, sundalo at pulitiko.

more links.

Sanskrit Names

Abhay fearless
Abhijit one who is victorious (Abhijeet)
Abhishek shower of milk/water over an idol
Achyuta indestructible
Aditya sun
Ajatashatru without enemies
Ajay unconquerable, invincible
Ajit unconquerable (Ajeet)
Ajitabh one who has conquered the sky
Akash sky
Akshat Un-injurable
Alok cry of victory
Amal bright, clean, pure
Amar forever, immortal
Ambar sky
Ameya boundless, magnanimous
Amish honest
Amit endless, boundless
Amitabh / Amitava one with boundless splendour
Amitesh infinite god
Amogh unerring
Amol priceless, valuable
Amrit nectar

Anand bliss
Anant infinite
Anantram eternal god
Anil god of wind
Anish supreme
Ankur sprout
Anoop incomparable, the best
Anupam incomparable
Anurag attachment, devotion, love
Anshul radiant
Anshuman Sun
Apoorva quite new
Arjun peacock
Arnav ocean, sea
Arun sun
Arvind lotus
Ashok one without sorrow
Ashvini one of the constellations
Aseem boundless, limitless
Ashvin The Vedic God of Agriculture
Atmajyoti light of soul
Atul matchless
Avinash indestructible
Avanindra king of the earth
Avanisha god of the earth

Babila Swift
Badal Cloud
Badrinath Lord of Mt.Badri
Badriprasad gift of Badri
Balram Krishna's brother
Baldev godlike in power
Balaaditya young sun
Balachandra young moon
Balakrishna young krishna
Balamani young jewel
Balamohan one who is attractive
Balaji a name of Vishnu
Bansi or Bansuri flute
Bhagirath one who brought Ganga on earth
Bhanu sun
Bhanuprasad gift of sun
Bharat India, universal monarch
Bharadwaj a lucky bird
Bhadrak handsome
Bhadraksh one with beautiful eyes
Bhavesh lord of the world
Bhim tremendous, powerful
Bhupen king
Bhupendra king of kings
Bhudev lord of the earth
Bhushan ornament
Bhuvan palace, one of the three worlds
Bhuvanesh lord of the worlds
Bindusar an excellent pearl
Bipin / Vipin forest, nature
Brijmohan Krishna
Brijesh god of the land of Brij
Buddhadev wise person

Chaitanya life, knowledge
Chaman garden
Chandra moon
Chandrahas bow of Shiva
Chandrak peacock feather
Chandrashekhar one who holds the moon in his hair knot (Shiva)
Chandresh lord of the moon
Chandan sandalwood
Charan feet
Charanjit one who has won over the lord (Charanjeet)
Charudutta born of beauty
Chetan life
Chidambar one whose heart is as big as the sky
Chinmay full of knowledge
Chintamani philosopher's stone
Chiragh lamp
Chiranjeev longlived
Chitraksh beautiful eyed
Chittaranjan one who pleases the mind
Chittaswarup the embodiment of consciousness
Chittaprasad the gift of consciousness

Daha blazing, very bright
Dakshesh Shiva
Darpak god of love
Dattatreya a son of Atri, a famous Puranic hermit, another name for the three headed divinity of Visnu, Shiva and Brahma
Dayanand one who likes being merciful
Deepak lamp, kindle
Deepankar one who lights lamps
Deependra lord of light
Devarsi sage of the Devas
Devdas servant of god
Devadutt gift of god
Devanand joy of god
Devraj king of gods
Debashish pleased by gods
Devesh god of gods
Devang part of god
Devendra king of gods
Devilal son of goddess
Deviprasad gift of goddess
Dhananjay one who wins wealth
Dhanesh lord of wealth
Dharma law (religious)
Dharmadev lord of law
Dharmesh master of religion
Dharmendra king of religion
Dhiren one who is strong
Dhirendra lord of the brave
Dhruv Firm, fixed, constant, the polar star
Dhaval fair complexioned
Digamber sky clad , another name for Shiva
Dilip a king, ancestor of Rama
Dinesh The sun, day lord
Dinakar The sun
Divakar sun
Divyendu moonlight
Duranjaya a heroic son
Durjaya difficult to conquer

Eka matchless
Ekanga Rare, unique
Ekansa whole
Ekayana Worldly wisdom
Ekendra The sole lord
Ekisa One god
Esana Desire, aim
Ettan Breath

Gagan sky, heaven
Gaganvihari one who stays in heaven
Gajanan one with elephant face
Gajendra elephant king
Ganaraj lord of the clan
Gangadhar Shiva
Gangadutt gift of Ganga
Gaurang fair complexioned
Gaurav honour, pride, respect
Geet song
Girish god of mountain
Giriraj lord of mountain
Girilal son of mountain
Giridhar one who holds the mountain, another name for Krishna
Govind cowherd, another name for Krishna
Gopal Krishna, cowherd
Guru teacher, master
Gurbachan promise of the guru
Gurdeep lamp of the guru
Gurdayal Compassion of the guru
Gurcharan feet of the guru
Gurmeet friend of the guru
Gurnam name of the guru
Gursharan In the Guru’s protection
Gurudas servant of the guru
Gurudutt gift of the guru

Haresh Shiva
Harish Vishnu
Hari sun, Vishnu
Harilal son of Hari
Harihar Vishu and Shiva together
Harsha joy, delight
Harshad delighted
Harshul deer
Harshal lover
Harshvardhan one who increases joy
Hemang one with shining body
Hemadri mountain of gold
Hemant one of the six seasons
Hemachandra golden moon
Hemendra lord of gold
Hemaraj king of gold
Heramba boastful, name of Ganapati
Hiren Lord of gems
Hridyanath Lord of the heart
Hridayesh king of heart
Hrishikesh one who controls senses
Hiresh king of gems

Ilesh lord of the earth
Indivar blue lotus
Indradutt gift of Indra
Indrajit conquerer of Indra
Indraneel emerald
Inesh king of kings
Ishaan sun
Ishwar powerful, the supreme god

Jagadeep light of the world
Jagajeet conqueror of the world
Jagajeevan life of the world
Jagannath lord of the world
Jagmohan one who attracts the world
Jayadeep light of victory
Jaidev god of victory
Janak father of Sita, creator
Janardan one who helps people
Jasraj king of fame
Jasveer hero of fame
Jaswant victorious (Yashwant)
Jawahar jewel
Jayaditya victorious sun
Jayant victorious
Jaysukh pleasure of victory
Jayashekhar crest of victory
Jeevan life
Jitendra lord of conquerors
Jinendra lord of life
Jishnu triumphant
Jnyandeep light of knowledge
Jnyaneshwar god of wisdom

Kanha Krishna
Kailash name of a Himalayan peak, abode of Shiva
Kalidas the poet, dramatist; slave of goddess Kali
Kamadev god of love
Kamal lotus flower
Kamika Desired, wished for
Kanak gold
Kanan forest, the mouth of Brahma
Kartikeya Son of Shiva
Kavi a wise man, poet
Kaushal clever, skilled
Kaushik sentiment of love
Kila flame
Krishna God
Kunda musk
Kundan Pure, sparkling, fine, gold


Lakshman prosperous, brother of Rama
Lakshmidev Lord of Lakshmi
Lakshmikanth Beloved of Lakshmi
Lalit beautiful
Lalitchandra beautiful moon
Lalitaditya beautiful sun
Lalitmohan beautiful and attractive
Laya deep concentration
Lokesh king of world
Loknath lord of all worlds
Lokpradip Light of the world, a buddha
Lokprakash light of the world

Madan Cupid, god of love
Madhav sweet like honey
Madhu honey, nectar
Madhukar honey maker
Madhusudhana Krishna, one who killed demon Madhu
Mahabala Extremely strong
Mahadev most powerful god
Mahavir most courageous among men
Mahesh Shiva
Mahendra Indra
Mahipati Lord of the earth
Maitreya friend
Mandhatr Thoughtful, pious
Manendra king of the mind
Mani Gem, jewel
Manishankar The jeweled Shiva
Manish Lord of the mind
Manindra diamond
Mansukh Peace of the heart
Manohar That which steals the heart
Manoj born of the mind
Markandeya Winning over death, a sage
Mayank moon
Mayur peacock
Meghnad thunder
Meghadutt gift of clouds
Mehul rain
Mihir The sun, a sage
Milind Wanting an encounter, the bee which looks for an encounter with flowers
Mithun Small statue at entrance of temple, zodiac sign of gemini
Mitul of even temperament
Mohan charming, fascinating
Mohit infatuated
Mohin fascinating
Mukesh lord of liberation, another name for Shiva
Mukul bud
Mukunda One who liberates

Nachiketa fire
Nalin lotus, water lily
Namdev poet, saint
Nanak Without darkness, founder of sikhism
Nanda Joy, delight
Nandan Rejoicing, gladdening
Nandi The happy one
Narayana Vishnu, the son of the original man
Narendra lord of men
Narottam best among men
Narmad Pleasure giver
Natraj Lord of the cosmic dance, Shiva
Naveen new
Nayan eye
Neel blue
Neeraj To illuminate
Neelkanth A peacock, another name for Shiva
Nikhil complete, whole
Nikunj The abode of love
Nirad Water giver, cloud
Ninad gentle humming sound
Niranjan Pure, spotless, another name for Shiva
Nirmal clean, pure
Nirav without sound, still, quiet
Meghadutt gift of clouds
Nityanand eternally happy

Ojas Energy, power, a son of Krishna
Om Creation, essence of life, the sacred syllable which is the seed of all mantras
Omkaar The syllable Om
Ompati Master of Om
Omprakaash Light of Om

Padmaksh Lotus eyed
Padmin Lotus like
Pajas Firmness, vigour
Pankaj lotus flower
Para fulfilling
Paramahansa Supreme ascetic
Paramjeet highest success
Paras The philosopher’s stone
Paresh Name for Brahma
Parindra lion
Partha Son of the earth, prince
Pavan breeze
Pinak Shiva's bow
Piyush nectar
Prabhat dawn
Prabodh Awakening, consciousness
Prabodhan A buddha
Pradeep light, to blaze forth
Prahlad Delight, joy
Prajeet victorious
Prakash light
Pramod happiness
Pranav the sacred syllable Om
Pranay leader
Prasad offering to god during pooja
Pratap glory, majesty
Prateek symbol
Praveen Skilful, clever
Pravir chief
Prayag confluence of Ganga-Jamuna-Saraswati
Prem love
Premanand Bliss of love
Pritam lover
Prithviraj king of the earth
Priyaranjan Good looking, loving
Puneet Pure, sacred
Pundarik white lotus
Purajit conqueror of fortresses
Purushottam best among men
Puskara blue lotus

Raja king
Rajan Belonging to a royal family
Rajanikant Beloved of the night, moon
Rajas The region between heaven and earth, a son of Vasistha
Rajkumar prince
Rajeev blue lotus
Rajeshvar lord of kings
Rakesh lord of the full moon, another name for Shiva
Ram Lord Rama, pleasing, charming
Raman beloved, charming, worthy of being loved
Ramanuja Younger brother of Lord Rama
Ranjan pleasing, charming
Ranjha lover
Ratnakar mine of jewels, ocean, a Buddha
Ravi sun
Ravindra Lord of the sun
Ravikiran Ray of the sun
Rishi sage
Rohit Red, the sun
Rochan Shining, radiant
Rupesh lord of form
Rupak sign, form
Rupin Having a beautiful form
Rutva Speech, intensity, a gandharva

Sagardatta Given by the ocean
Sagar ocean
Sadanand ever blissful
Samarjit victorious in war
Samir wind
Samrat Supreme ruler
Samudra sea
Sandeep Blazing, glowing
Sanjog coincidence
Shankara Shiva
Santosh satisfaction
Sarasvat Blessed by the Goddess Sarasvati
Sarang spotted deer, jewel, sandalwood
Satish Lord of Sati, another name for Shiva
Satyajit victory of truth
Satyamurty statue of truth
Satyavrat one who has taken a vow of truth
Satyendra Best among the truthful
Saurav Sweet sounding
Saurabh fragrant
Senajit victory over armies
Shailendra king of mountains, Himalaya
Shakunt blue jay
Shankar Shiva
Shailesh god of mountain, Himalaya
Shashee moon
Shashank moon
Shashikant moon stone
Shatrunjay one who overcomes enemies
Shiv Lord Shiva, auspicious, lucky
Shreyas superior
Shyam dark blue, black
Siddharth Name of Buddha
Sohan good looking
Sriram Lord Rama
Subodh Right intelligence
Subhash eloquent
Suchir eternal
Sudarshan Lovely in appearance
Sudeva truly Godly
Sudhasu Another name for the moon
Sudaman bountiful
Sudhir Very considerate, wise
Sudip Shining brightly
Sujit Great conqueror
Sukhdev lord of happiness
Sukumar Very tender, the wild champak flower
Suli Another name for Krishna, spear carrier
Sumit Balanced
Sumitra / Sumeet A good friend
Sundar beautiful
Sunil dark blue, colour of Krishna
Suresh Lord of the Gods
Surya sun
Suryakant loved by the sun, the sun stone
Swagat welcome
Swaraj liberty, freedom
Syena Eagle, falcon, hawk

Tapan sun, illuminating
Tapas Heat, meditation, penance, power
Tarun young
Tara Star
Taradatta Given by the stars
Tarang wave
Tej light, luster, glow
Tejas Fiery energy, spiritual and moral power
Tilak A mark on the forehead made either as an ornament, a blessing, a distinction or to bring concentration onto the third eye
Teerth holy place, stairs for descent into a river, sacred object
Tirthak sanctified
Trilochan Three eyed, another name for Shiva
Trilok the three worlds (heaven, earth, hell)
Trilokchandra The moon of the three worlds
Tulasidas devotee of Tulasi (sacred basil plant)

Uday ascending
Udeep Lighting up, illuminating
Udit Risen, ascended
Ujesh victorious
Umang desire
Unmesh Opening the eyes, blossoming of a flower
Upansu A prayer uttered in a low voice
Uttam Best, excellent, greatest
Utkarsh Prosperity, excellence
Utpal The blossom of the blue lotus

Vahin Shiva as one who carries the world
Vaidat Knowledgeable
Vaidhav Son of the moon
Vajramani diamond
Vallabh beloved, dear
Vandan Praise, worship
Varun lord of the waters, all enveloping sky
Vasant Bestower of desires
Vasav Indra
Vasu Light, radiance
Ved sacred knowledge
Veer Brave, wise, heroic
Vidu wise
Vidyachandra Moon of knowledge
Vihan Morning, dawn
Vijay victorious
Vikas Brightness, light
Vikram Strength, valour
Vikrant Courageous, bold
Vimal pure
Vinay Decency, modesty
Vinod pleasure
Vipul abundant
Viraj resplendent, splendid
Virochan illuminating
Virat Shining, brilliant
Vishal Large, spacious, mighty
Vishnu Lord Vishnu, all pervader
Vishvajit one who conquers the universe
Vishvakarma architect of the universe
Vishwas faith, trust
Vishvanath Lord of the universe
Vishwamitra friend of all
Vishvatma universal soul
Vivek True knowledge
Vyomesh lord of the sky


Yash victory, glorya
Yashodhan rich in fame
Yashwant one who has achieved glory
Yashpal protector of fame
Yatin Ascetic, devotee
Yogesh lord of Yoga
Yudhajit victor in war
Yuvaraj Crown prince, young king

1. Trisayon
2. Sanskrit names
3. Satyam Namah
4. Other links available here : TS - Sanskrit Dealpie <=