Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Moon Power



First Quarter - 6:00 p.m.

Last Quarter - 6:00 a.m.

Full Moon - 6:00 p.m

New Moon - 6:00 a.m

Timing of Time in Healing – 1 day after minus 40 minutes, until next day, in the
third day minus 15 minutes.


The first phase symbolizes a young and vibrant Spring in which birth, growth and
beginning are emphasized. It is an excellent time to put seed on the ground, to
start new ventures or open a business. People born during the first week of the
lunar month are the Spring People – equipped with lively, innovative minds, free
spirits and love for new ideas and adventure. They are generally inventive and
outgoing but are also impulsive and restless by nature.


The second phase is identified with Summer, and it advocates both mental and
physical maturity since it ends at the peak of the lunar month. A prime time to
transplant seedlings * to fertilize the soil to promote lush growth. The Moon’s
continuing ascent favors aggressive and forceful action. Summer, or First
quarter, people will likewise be strong minded, as they are competent fighters
and capable doers. Full of potent energy, they are leaders of the cycle.


The third phase, commencing with the full moon, shows great affinity to Autumn,
or the Fall. A time to harvest ripened fruit and grain, mend broken fences, cut
wood for Winter, preserve food * consolidate one’s resources after the harvest.
The moon begins her descent after the fifteenth day. Autumn children will like
to organize, restore order, resolve problems and settle disputes with
intelligence and calm reason. Theirs is the phase of the harvestor and


During the fourth week of the lunar month, which is called the last quarter, the
lunar month is in its Winter, and this is generally the time to settle debts,
close a business or finish up the project. The waning moon is also conducive to
the slaughter of livestock, extraction of teeth, cutting of hair etc. It was
also believe that operations during this time will result in less bleeding.
Winter people, born between the twenty-second-and-a-half-day and the
twenty-ninth-and-a-half-day of the lunar month are the thinkers, keepers of
confidences and makers of objective, analytical decisions. They possess cool,
logical minds and are patient and preserving in their actions. Like potent roots
that lie asleep in the warm earth beneath a blanket of winter snow, they will
conserve their energy and burst forth with new life when the time is right.

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